Paris : Manifestation de solidarité avec les habitants de Sidi Bouzid [vidéo]

Une manifestation de solidarité avec la population de Sidi Bouzid et les autres villes qui manifestent pour leur droit au travail et à la dignité, s’est tenue hier 25 décembre 2010 dans le 20e arrondissement de Paris.


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  1. 1
    son of carthage m l australia

    make 1.1.011 the day of operation clean tunisa?.
    all citizens are requested to make a statement by
    wearing an ear plug in the form of phone plugs,cotton
    ear plugs or other visable means.
    wear an insignia on the front of your coats or vests
    that says 1.11 011 that says we don’t want to hear
    rcd any more. it’s a message of discust from the
    incessant lies that takes the tv screans,the air waves
    and the pages of all the papers,simply we are fed up
    of the junk dished in the name of change 7 and rants
    about the mythical achievements of zibla.
    rcd are a pest from top to toe,a collection of brainless
    hiyenas,incessant liars,morally repugnant. a pollution.
    show solidarity with sidi bouzid braves and help to
    clence tunisia from these ferrals.
    the 1.1 011 is the beginning of rcd free tunisia,unshackle
    the chain around our necks say halt to the change that
    brought us face disfiguration,bone dislocation that’s
    what the president of clairevoyance republica tunisie
    bestowed on his people as a gift.
    all mutulated faces should be made into post cards and sent
    to head of senate,head of house of representatives and
    manager of tourisme agencies to highlight the true nature
    what tunisia is for tunisian under this thug and the
    savage riot police and security of his,
    the tunisian children broken bones will be our pens,their
    spilled blood our ink and with that shall be written a new
    page for us,the mutulated faces of theirs will be the light
    bulbs that deliver us from these dark moments.
    for that we shall not forget the generosity of their courage
    the high priced they paid for us to reap the fruits of
    liberty.we will never forget them and in our hear they shall
    dwell,in gratitude we bow forever we remember.
    do not let tunisia down,stand up and get counted for you.
    your childrens, your families that’s what tunisia is.
    on the 1.1.011 make your paticipation a must do.
    give this peacefull signal that enough is enough
    of rcd crap,lies,thieves,thugs,we must clean tunisia
    out of their genre,we don’t to hear them anymore.

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