

Partner Project Amount Project Period
Meedan Community Engagement: elections-focused program 2024 7.000 $ June 1st 2024 – December 15, 2024
Meedan Strengthen independent media initiatives through online & offline projects 15.000 $ May 1st 2024 – December 15, 2024
International Media Support Strengthening Nawaat’s
Institutional Stability and Sustainability: Phase IV
62.366 € January 1st 2024 – December 31st 2024
Civil Rights Defenders Enhancing Independent Journalism for Human Rights in Tunisia 22.000 € February 1st 2024 – December 31st 2024
Minority Rights Group Amplifying Voices: Nawaat’s Commitment to Independent Journalism and Minority Rights in Tunisia 32.986 € March 1st 2024 – March 1st 2025
Oxfam Novib Supporting Nawaat’s Coverage about minority’s rights. 14.273 € August 1st 2023 – December 31st 2023
Check Global | Meedan Supporting Nawaat’s Investigative and Fact-checking Effort. 5.000 $ July 1st 2023 – December 31st 2023
Friends Of Nawaat Strengthening Nawaat’s Institutional Stability & Audience Engagement (IFPIM Grant) 300.713 $ January 20th 2023 – January 19th 2025
Civil Rights Defenders Supporting Nawaat’s Human Rights Reporting. 27.000 € January 1st 2023 – December 31st 2023
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Sustaining Nawaat to produce and engage audiences with quality journalism of public interest 25.837,36 € January 1st 2023 – December 31st 2023
International Media Support Strengthening Nawaat’s
Institutional Stability and Sustainability: Phase III
81.000 € January 1st 2023 – December 31st 2023
The National Endowment for Democracy Enhancing Independent Media’s Content Production Capabilities 180.000 $ October 1st 2022 – September 30th 2024
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Supporting Nawaat’s Environmental Reporting. 30.000 TND January 1st 2023 – December 31st 2023
Google News Equity Fund Support and opportunities to news organizations that primarily serve underrepresented communities 13.500 $ October 25th 2022 – December 31st 2022
International Media Support Core-Support to Independent Media in the Southern Neighborhood. 150.000 € May 1st 2022 – October 31st 2024
SouthSouthNorth (SSN) Voices for Just Climate Action. 120.000 € May 1st 2022 – April 30 2024
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung – MENA Improving access to information and quality of public debate and raise public awareness of current political and social issues. 30.030,49 € January 1st, 2022 – December 31st, 2022
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Supporting Nawaat’s Environmental Reporting. 30.200 TND April 1st 2022 – November 30 2022
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Supporting Nawaat’s media coverage about migration issues. 30.000 TND April 1st 2022 – November 30 2022
International Media Support Strengthening Nawaat’s Institutional Stability and Sustainability: Phase I. 97.720 € January 1st 2022 – December 31st 2022
Check Global | Meedan Supporting Nawaat’s Investigative and Fact-checking Effort. 15.000 $ May 1st 2022 – December 31st 2022
Civil Rights Defenders Innawaation: Strengthen the links between art, journalism, new technologies and social and citizen engagement. 49.989,52 € January 1st 2022 – December 31st 2022
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Sustaining public interest journalism 27.500 € January 1st 2022 – December 31st 2022
The National Endowment for Democracy Enhancing Independent Media’s Content Production Capabilities 90.000 $ October 1st 2021 – September 30th 2022
Google News Initiative Fostering a culture of paying for quality independent media content and respecting audience privacy 115.000 $ July 19th 2021 – July 18th 2022
The European Endowment for Democracy Sustaining the professionalization capacity of Nawaat’s Independent Media Efforts 149.176 € June 1st 2020 – May 31st 2022
International Media Support Sustaining the professionalization capacity of Nawaat 141.354 € January 1st 2021 – December 31st 2021
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Immersive storytelling video production 44.999,77 € January 1st 2021 – December 31st 2021
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Supporting Nawaat’s Environmental Reporting 9.067,38 € January 1st 2021 – December 31st 2021
The National Endowment for Democracy Enhancing Independent Media’s Content Production Capabilities 93.600 $ July 1st 2020 – september 30th 2021
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung – MENA Decade of change: video production of 2 documentaries 12.000 € December 1st, 2020 – January 14, 2021
International Media Support Supporting Nawaat’s Growth as a Leading Content Producer 104.953 € January 1st 2020 – December 31st 2020
Open Society Foundation Supporting Nawaat’s work on civic engagement 75.000 $ May 1st 2019 – October 31st 2020
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Strengthening Nawaat’s position as a key alternative & independent media player in Tunisia 20.096 € February 1st 2020- December 31st 2020
Google News Initiative Journalism Emergency Relief Fund 12.500 $ July 16th 2020 – December 31th 2020
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Supporting Nawaat’s Environmental Reporting 12.074 € January 2nd 2020 – November 30th 2020
Orient XXI Réseau de médias indépendants sur le monde arabe 4.450 € March 12th 2018 – June 11th 2020
NAWA Media Supporting Nawaat’s Investigative Effort 3.000 $ August 1st 2020 – December 31st 2020
Meedan COVID-19 Nawaat Fact-Check 2.000 $ May 13, 2020 – June 13, 2020

Rapports Des Commissaires Aux Comptes

Année Rapports d’audit
Exercice clos le 31 décembre 2022 Rapport Général du Commissaire aux Comptes
Exercice clos le 31 décembre 2021 Rapport Général du Commissaire aux Comptes
Exercice clos le 31 décembre 2020 Rapport Général du Commissaire aux Comptes
Exercice clos le 31 décembre 2019 Rapport Général du Commissaire aux Comptes