1. They Just Don’t Stop Protesting…
Not even torture, which is rampant or live bullets which the Tunisian authorities are using with greater frequency stop them..
It is more than two weeks since a distraught and unemployed young university graduate, Mohammed Bouazizi, sat down in front of the town hall in the central Tunisian town of Sidi Bouzid, poured gasoline on himself and lit a match. Bouazizi’s act of self-immolation and protest against Tunisia’s high unemployment, rampant corruption and decades of repression by the government of Zine Ben Ali triggered a protest movement, first in the country’s center and south, but now virtually everywhere, including the capital, Tunis.
Neither the intervention of the Tunisian security forces and army using live ammunition nor Zine Ben Ali’s sacking of 4 members of his cabinet combined with promises of a $5 billion state jobs program has stopped the wave of anger and protest, which at the time of this writing (January 2, 2011) continues and is more and more taking the form of a national uprising. While some property has been destroyed, the overwhelming amount of violence has come from the state and the security forces. Virtually all of the demonstrations have been peaceful to date. That said, the economic grievances which fueled the initial outbursts now have a more political aspect to them as more and more voices within Tunisia outside of the ruling party, the Rassemblement Constitutionelle Democratique (RCD) are calling for Ben Ali and his increasingly influential wife, Leila Trabelsi, to step down and relinquish power.
Ben Ali is giving no indication of stepping down. He is combined increased repression on the one hand, with a media campaign and promises of economic and social reform on the other. Ben Ali is gambling that the protests, which seem to led mostly by unemployed youth as well as some elements of Tunisian’s student and labor movement is a spontaneous expression of frustration that will fizzle sooner rather than later. While this might be the case, it appears that broad sectors of Tunisian society are more supportive of the protestors than the government and that Ben Ali’s promised reforms are too little too late. Even if he is able to maintain his grip on power for the moment, his social base support has narrowed to the military, police and security apparatus, along with the support of a few key European governments, France key among them.
2. The United States Remains Silent
The United States State Department remains silent in face of the Tunisian protests. Since the protests began on December 17, 2010, there has been little media coverage in the mainstream US media, virtually nothing on mainstream television, nothing in the New York Times or Wall Street Journal, or for that matter even Democracy Now! This is in sharp contrast with the European, North African and Middle Eastern media where the
Tunisian protests have become big news. In two articles in the British Guardian, columnist Brian Whitaker calls the Tunisian protests the “most important and most inspiring story from the Middle East this year”. In another story a few days earlier, he wrote a scathing critique of the Tunisian government commenting at the end that Ben Ali’s days in power are probably numbered.
The Obama Administration’s failure to comment on the Tunisian events is another indication of its more general hypocrisy when it comes to supporting human rights in Middle East countries. It is not that the administration is unaware of the situation in the country. The WikiLeaks cables concerning Tunisia, from a former US ambassador to the State Department, contained very explicit and damning information, detailing the repressive environment in the country, the rampant corruption most especially of the families of President Ben Ali and his wife Leila Trabelsi, at one point labelling the regime as a “kleptocracy”.
So why the measured silence for the Nobel Peace Prize winner?
A number of factors come into place, central among them, the Obama Administration is wary about opening up another front of social unrest with Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia on its hands. If Washington has no particular love for Ben Ali, still they worry about a replacement, wanting one that would, like Ben Ali and Bourguiba before him, support US strategic policy in the Middle East and Africa, who will cooperate with NATO and AFRICOM as Ben Ali has. It would not be the first time that the Obama Administration has thrown a U.S. commitment to human rights concerns to the winds to maintain strategic support for this or that tyrant.
But in Tunisia – as in many other places, privatization became a means of the two ruling families, the Ben Alis and Trabelsis to buy up state property at bargain basement prices and make a financial killing. It did not lead to a growth of Tunisian entrepreneurial ship, but simply to a greater concentration of economic power in the hands of the two families, and the corruption involved was so bad that even the U.S. ambassador (in a WikiLeaks cable) was embarrassed.
Yet despite the current economic crisis, which these structural adjustment programs only exacerbated, the IMF continues to pressure Tunisia to “stay the course”…cut remaining subsidies on basic food stuffs and fuel, privatize its social security system and open up its financial sector even further. And once again, the IMF is oblivious to how those policies have only deepened the socio-economic crisis in the country and that an entirely different economic strategy is in order
3. “Most Inspiring Story Coming Out Of The Middle East This Year”
There is another reason for Washington’s hesitancy, call it “revolutionary contagion” …what starts in one place, as in the strategically not particularly important Tunisia, could spread to…Egypt, Saudi Arabia and who knows where else. Signs abound. Just to the west, Algerians are protesting inadequate housing that they have been promised for years. Although current turmoil in Egypt appears to center around the bombing of a Coptic Church, with accusations of the hand of an al Qaeda like attack, under the surface for all its differences with Tunisia, Egypt too is facing serious socio-economic problems.
And throughout the Middle East, governments are nervous. The Iranian and Syrian press have commented on Tunisia’s unemployment and corruption problems, as if they too don’t have to deal with similar drawbacks. Saudi commentators (of all people) are lecturing Ben Ali on the need for democracy, etc etc. Throughout the region among the ruling elites there is the growing concern that the Tunisian protests could spread to their countries. And they have reason for concern for despite many differences, unemployment, corruption and dictatorship are by no means limited to Tunisia.
So already, “the Tunisian example”, in two short weeks has spread beyond the country’s borders and governments are taking the events seriously. If Ben Ali will not relinquish power (yet), still, he reshuffled his cabinet firing four ministers and promised a $5 billion jobs program. He also was careful to visit Mohammed Bouazizi (the young man who set himself aflame) as well as meet with the families of those killed by the security forces. As the protests grew in Tunisia, Hosni Mubarek, speaking to the ruling political party in Egypt, seemingly “out of nowhere”, announced that Egypt too would launch a $3.5 billion jobs program to deal with Egyptian unemployment. Coincidence? In a gesture to help Ben Ali, Muhammar Khadaffi in nearby Libya announced that Libya would not limit entry to Tunisians seeking jobs. Khadaffi also announced a major government financed housing project not long ago.
Nesrine Malik, like Brian Whitaker, writing in the Guardian on New Year’s Eve calls the Tunisian protests “one of the most inspiring episodes of indigenous revolt against a repressive regime. Referring to the Tunisian protests she comments: “Change is sometimes more likely to happen when people know what it looks like, when the first person dares to point to the emperor and say that he is naked.”
And if events continue in Tunisia, what does it mean for the other “geriatric regimes” of the Middle East, many of which themselves are on the verge of transitions of power? For if the Tunisian people can stand up to power and oppression, why not the others?
Meanwhile the protests in Tunisia continue…La Lutta Continua..
Un programme empli de 10 millions de Dinars pour Sidi Bouzid .. quelle insolence !!!
10 Millions est le cout de 3 ou 4 villas de ce voyou et de sa famille, c’est à peu près le prix de la villa de Sakhr El Matri sur les hauteurs de Sidi bousaid dont le terrain public lui a été cédé à 27 DT le mètre carré !!
10 Millions de Dinars est le prix de 2 à 4 voitures de luxe que Imed Trabesli importe .. la nouvelle BMW est vendue en Tunisie à 480 MD pièce, et les autorités douanières considèrent ces voitures dans la gamme utilitaire pour payer des droits minimaux.
10 Millions de Dinars est le prix que paye ce voyou de président avec sa femme à chaque fois qu’ils partent en vacances .. comme le séjour actuel de la famille à Dubai qui a choisi de ne pas rentrer encore …
Et que dire du nouveau avions présidentiel Airbus A340 quadri-réacteur payé par le contribuable tunisien et acquis pour la modique somme de 380 Millions $US.
Et que dire de la subvention accordée par l’assemblée nationale tunisienne à l’hotel de Hayat Ben Ali soeur de son frère et aussi à l’école de leila ben Ali Trabelsi pour presque 20 MD ?
L’indécence n’a pas de limites
nice insight robert prince:you’ve done grand
you captured the malaise tunisia is gone through and still
doing,it must’ve been from the infusion harissa had on you.
few atoms are modifying to at least being an honorary
tunisian.we certainly welcome you.
i’ve always appreciated the system analysis and marketing
the yanks have produced as literature with that uncomplicated
breath of fresh honest speak, and no bullshit. thanks R P.
but not sure about being put in the same basket or box.
lumped with intifada seems to me as seduction by reduction.
anything arabo muslim originated issue no matter what the
cause or it’s goal is somehow labelled in that fashion.
this is a jasmin plosion and harissa hot shot.
a unique tunisian way still unfolding with the causes that led
to it are similar to maybe most area diseases.
the reaction from what we perceive as close to us is an
absolute deafenning silence,the ugly act relating to the
church bomb in alexandria is a case in point with an immidiate
declartion that the french prime minister will pay a visit to
the place and show support to the victims.
the vatican immidiatly responded,so did the state departement
of usa and practically every dog and harry.
not a wimper on tunisia fron any official,we mustn’t count.
يوم شاهدت برنامج دولة الفساد على شاشة التلفزة الوطنية 1 احسست بمرارة شديدة وتمنيت لو ان الارض اشقت وابتلعتني . احسست اني كنت مجرد جرو صغير كانت عائلة الرئيس المخلوع تربطه في احدى زوائا تونس ياكل ويتناسل و لا يعوي .احسست ان الشعب كان قطيع من الماعز يجوب في براري البلاد لبس اكثر من دلك .اقسم اني لو كنت اعلم كل تلك لكنت هجرت البلاد من زمان.
في البرنامج الرياضي على قناة حنبعل بالمكشوف لحصة يوم الاربعاء قبل الماضي عجبت لما رائيت حتى اني ضننت ان المشاركين في تقديم البرنامج ينوون القيام بمضاهرة كبيرة قد يندخل فيها الامن ويطلق الرصاص ه>ا ما ضننته عندما راييت الاعب السابق سامي الطرابلسي قد ارتدى كفنا فضننت انه ينوي الشهادة