My name is Farah, I am 9 years old, and I work

Thousands of people of all backgrounds came out today to celebrate May 1st, International Labor Day (also known as May Day). Most workers in Tunisia had the day off. However, non-licensed vendors – particularly child workers – were only reminded of the long road to go, especially in protecting child rights and liberating vendors from the bureaucracy that plagues the professional world.

Today, this scene is not limited to child labor and exploitation, for this is the scene that the Tunisian citizen has gotten used to seeing, especially in recent times, all over the capital’s main thoroughfare, Avenue Habib Bourguiba in Tunis. For a country which is in the process of drafting a new constitution and a new legal system, it should be a primary priority to protect children from exploitation and to liberate Tunisian workers from all sorts of restrictive, bureaucratic measures.

Translation Wafa Ben Hassine



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  1. 1

    Ça fait mal au cœur,c’est honteux pour des parents qui ont des gosses qu’ils mérite même pas car ils les font souffrir et après ils disent “kadar rabi”,il faut leurs retirer les enfants a fin de les placers dans les foyers de l’etat comme ça ils apprendront que ce que ça veut dire
    Un gosse !

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