كلام شارع : النهضاوي و إعادة إنتخاب النهضة

كلام شارع فقرة تسعى الى تشريك المواطن بكل تلقائية عبر ترك مجال كي يعبر عن ارائه و تفاعلاته مع القضايا المطروحة على الساحة الوطنية في مختلف الميادين. فقرة “كلام شارع” رصدت لكم تفاعلات مؤيدي حملة إكبس .في ما إذا أعادوا إنتخاب حركة النهضة في حال لم تستجب الحكومة لمطالبهم


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  1. 1

    ya rabby ma tohkemna ken ennahdha aaaaamin.. yezzy ma gharrebtouna w hlektouna..
    entouma nawaat hatta l’homosexualité vous l’encouragez..
    finalement c’est une guerre idéologique..
    allah m3ak ya cha3eb..

  2. 2
    son of carthage

    blinded by allah
    the light is too bright
    in despair we seek a contrast
    we picket a saviour
    with whom we try an escape
    with a contrast to this
    blinding bright light
    like all fools choices
    we end up in the dark
    the only road this saviour knows
    is to takes us to the time
    of dark.
    got the reward we sough
    an escape from the bright light
    the horse we rode
    the path we took
    rewards our wants
    can’t complain the outcome.
    we deserve no other
    than the ones we want.

    where ever a nahdoui takes u remmber
    u chose him to let him be your saviour
    and stop complaining.

    • 3

      those who criticize ennahda simply because it represents islam are oblivious to the fact that people will soon voice loud their opinions that ALLAH ‘ SHARIA AND OUR PROPHET MOHAMMED ‘ S SUNNAH should be the leading point in the road fo illumination, and equality, ennahda is nothing but a secular party blindeing some that it is islamic, we do hope it will change things but its strategy is not laudable

  3. 4

    Qui cherche à mettre des directeurs NAHDHAOUIS à la tête des lycées et collèges ?? Dans le bût d’”hennahdhiser” nos enfants ??ATTENTION! BAS LES PATTES!!Nous ne vous laisserons pas faire

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