Cette fois-ci la victime est “Poppy” un Labrador d’à peine 5 mois roué de coups par son jeune propriétaire qui n’est autre que Mohammed Abu-Sabaa, un tunisien de 21 ans, fils d’un de nos diplomates à Londres et étudiant à la Manchester Metropolitan University.
“J’étais frustré, je n’ai pas été pris à un entretien d’embauche. Quoi qu’il en soit j’étais entrain de l’éduquer à l’autodéfense” a t-il déclaré pour sa défense.
Face à ces explications qui montrent l’inconscience de ce jeune homme de la gravité de ses actes et face aux images insoutenables qui ne laissaient aucun doute sur la cruauté de ce gamin, la justice britannique a été assez clémente, repoussant de deux ans l’exécution de la peine de 6 mois de prison réclamée par le procureur.
Le juge s’est contenté d’une peine de 250 heures de travaux d’intérêt générale non rémunérées et du remboursement des frais de justice qui s’élevaient à 1000€. Une décision que les britanniques jugent très clémente. Une page sur Facebook appelle même à son exclusion de l’université.
Seule consolation pour les défenseurs des animaux et ceux qui ont été choqués par ces images, le jeune homme a perdu la garde de “Poppy” et le droit de posséder un animal de compagnie pendant les quatre prochaines années. Le jeune labrador, a été provisoirement confié à une association de protection des animaux, en attendant un nouveau propriétaire.
Voici la vidéo en question. Âmes sensibles s’abstenir
Look at the KADAFI children cruelty to their domestics, the EMIRATES princes behaviour towards their staff,the SAOUDI prince killing by own hands his valet lover as if he is disposable raisor blade,leaving him blead like a sheep in the ritual aid sacrifice.Filmed in a london hotel lift and disguarded later in the room like a piece of rubbish.
View how an egytian farmer beating a poor donkey carrying a load a truck would have a hussle to move it. No different to a palestinian belting a tiny donkey with a load ten times it’s size.
The tunisian,marrocan or algerian are no different. All you have to see how stray cats,dogs or any other creature uncluding their fellow human beings. Look at the police force in tunisia,prison guards,or who ever have authority or power over the others. nothing will surprise at their sadistic thurst to exercise a discusting actions.
This young clown should be kicked out of ENGLAND after serving a sentence term. UNIVERSITY is not an institution for his type,a cage with wild beasts more appropriate for that type. Can you imagine what type of elite tunisia will have in future with his genre?. We have already plenty of them. Can any one blame why western nations,their population view arabs like animals probaly even worse.
What action arabs inflict on other fellow creatures get it back ,the law of karma is inescapable. You can see and understand how and why they are shot like a nuissance flies in IRAK,PALESTINE or even by their own kind. SORRY for being harsh but if we don’t value life of any creature,ours won’t be valued by others.
To the son of carthage Mi Australia: You definately need help as well as this idiot, your brain full of hatred I should say envy turned hatred, watch your mouth and control the shit you get out of it, if you gather the european national and regional news or for instance calendar or bbc regions for one week and count the horrible crimes you will lose count, what are you talking about you gave yourself away you are zionist pro israel love to hate the Arabs, susst yar out! and one thing you’re not welcomed in the Arab world psycho ….!
To son of carthage.You are pretty ennoying with your childish english comments . Do you speak french ? even a bit ? You’re obviously not Tunisian. Your alias says differently but your good manners are far gone. In Europe or any other part of the world, we see live stocks in farms being neglected and die of thirst or stavation. In Germany and Scandinavia and other outbacks they use animals for sex abuse. Even though , they kill yout fellow brothers and sister in Irak, Afghanistan and in their own backyards. We moslem are targeted as nuisances and sometimes shot at sight by some racist right wing maniacs. Maybe you havn’t been lightened enough to browse the net and se how they’re doing, those you think are better than us. I’m not saying that the fella was in his right to punish his labrador but they are not a chicken feather better than we are.
ècrivez en francais pour que tout le monde puisse lire tes ânneries.
Your answer is very stupid!!! you are mixing every thing! WHAT A HEL IRAK AND PALESTINE, EVEN TUNESIA DO IN YOUR COMMENT!! sure he is Tunisian but he don’t represent 10 millions of people!!
I do not know where are you from, I suppose that you are from Australia, IF you are a bol of chit, I WILL NOT SAY THAT ALL Australian are a bol of shit!!! What you do represent only your self!!
what he have done it’s horrible = you can “judge” him as a person = you CAN NOT not judge a millions people on the facts made by a single person!!!
THINK BEFORE WRINTING! Hope you understand!!
N.B: sorry for my english!
I am extremely discussed by the way that monster son of a B treats a poor defenceless creature and is not acceptable. I would do the same to that heartless bstd to make him fill what the dog cannot express, and he should be definitely put in prison and send back home and maybe caged. However for a so called civilised westerner I find your language just as Barbaric and backward as his action. I sense prejudice racism and hatred as if your concern is more focused on a particular group of people rather than the action off an ass whole on poor defenceless Dog.
so you are no different to him in any civilised persons opinion.
btw the women that put the cat in a rubbish bin was from North Africa or the Middle East no she was English but that does not make all Europeans cruel and barbaric and i know not all Australians are Racist
There is a say that british people treat dogs like humans in order to treat humans like dogs.
What s the big deal about a dog being beaten?and the culprit is only a child ,no point to bring him to justice this is overreaction
He’s 21 years old and when you’re 21 you longer child, you could become a dad and father a child. So the guy is guilty and the British legal system will take its course. No one can get him of the hook. This is a vivid example of the thugs that are torturing innocent people in Tunisia and the government reward them a diplomatic post, this guy has definitely learned a few tricks from his dad and exploited on the poor dog. We demand a harsh sentence.
TO hichem what would one say about you are Obviously challenged intellectually or twisted in perception.
What would i envy about anything fom there,had you known the life style in oss you wouldn’t shoot your sewer.
You can charge me with the new zibla law plus I don’t need proof from you or turd of your calibre to testify to what i’m. If space out there is to be shared with your genre…no thanks.
obviously beyond your comprehention to know the distance from europe to here. i wouldn’t give a damn about regional or the total europe you don’t need to read what i say it is not targeting your level
quelle cruauté, je suis triste pour ce petit chien sans défense. la prison ferme pour ce garcon gaté aurait été une bonne leçon. j’approuve les commentaires précedents. y’a pas plus cruel que les arabes et musulments envers les animaux et tous ce qui faibles et sans défense comme les femmes
je rapelle les petit con dans ton genre,en islam une femme est allé en enfer parcequelle a laisser un chat mourir sans nourriture(ca pour le droit des animaux) pour le reste occupation francaise de l’algerie plus d’1 million de mort tete decapite et jen passe,occupation americaine de l’irak(abu gharib…..) de l’afghanistan etc bref les occidentaux sont number one pour ce qui est de la cruaute et dailleur loccupation occidental de la tunisie etc continue a ce jour sinon on aurai pas un dictateur comme président
on est en pleine paranoia,on assimile un jeune garcon un peu stupide a un tortionnaire,c est trop exagere.Pour un geste inconsidere ce jeune homme peut voir sa vie gachee.et peut avoir des troubles psychologiques.tout ca pour un chien battu .Ca arrive tous les jours en tunisie ,alors les tunisiens qui imitent les anglais en etant choques,c est ridicule
A fabiie (Ca arrive tous les jours en tunisie, Il n’y a pas de quoi etre fier, c’est une preuve de plus que les Tunisiens soit disant musulmans s’eloignent chaque jour impertinement de l’Islam, faut ils leurs rappeler qu’avant l’occident c’est l’Islam qui a mis les valeur de la pitie envers les annimaux.
a hichem
faut il rappeler que le chien est un animal impur et que c est deja bien qu on le fasse rentrer dans une maison,vous le savez puisque vous semblez etre petri d islam.
Comme bêtise. Alors le chien est impur, tout comme le cochon. C’est a se demander pourquoi Allah les a crées… Tes propos me font faire des bulles gazeuses à partir de mon ouverture postérieure. Non chèr monsieur, on ne maltraite ni ne torture un animal, et si ce sont les enseignements d’Allah alors je veux tourner Bouddhiste , au moins eux ne font pas de mal aux créature qui n’arrivent pas a se défendre. Honteux
Les arabe ne sont pas comme ca c est stupide de prendre ce Garcon gate comme un echellle pour les arabe .je peut bien vous montrez la meme chause avec un european .laisser les arabe et les musullment tranquille et esseyez d etre logique et de laisser les idee sionisste a cote .ne jamais oublie sont c est arabe qui ete des elitte et sont les musillemens qui represente le un tierre du monde vous aurait maintennent surrement pas la vous ette maintenemt.
vous avez bien volllez les payee arabe et mussulllement avec touttes les metode Politique, colognisation, guerre et ……
c est vraiment honteuuuuuux d ouvrirre la bouche pour parler comme ca
I am extremely discussed by the way that monster son of a B treats a poor defenceless creature and is not acceptable. I would do the same to that heartless bstd to make him fill what the dog cannot express, and he should be definitely put in prison and send back home and maybe caged. However for a so called civilised westerner I find your language just as Barbaric and backward as his action. I sense prejudice racism and hatred as if your concern is more focused on a particular group of people rather than the action off an ass whole on poor defenceless Dog.
so you are no different to him in any civilised persons opinion.
btw the women that put the cat in a rubbish bin was from North Africa or the Middle East no she was English but that does not make all Europeans cruel and barbaric and i know not all Australians are Racist