Hacking attacks have now become major concerns for web masters. Attacks are accruing more often then it use to be back in the days, when it happens only once in while. It’s more sophisticated nowadays, and thoroughly destructive.

Yezzi.Org has been hacked again about a week ago, and it’s still down to this moment, Astubal’s blog hacked on April 26, it was totally deleted including the database.

And yet again, the same day, Nawaat undergoes its biggest attack ever. Without getting more into details, we thought that we won’t recover from it. We were to reinstate a six month old version, which was worthless to our eyes. We were completely down.

Fuck You HackersBut here we go, we did it again, and guess what Mr. Hackers, we are back stronger then ever before. We really appreciate the opportunity you give us to learn from this experience and come up with new procedures and recovery protocols for future attacks that we never thought about it before and that if it is to happen again Nawaat will be brought back online in a matter of minutes. You have no idea how beneficial this will be later, more than you ever think.

Try us again!
