6 ans de recherche et quelques 50 000 interviews. De quoi produire une étude fort intéressante intitulée “Who Speaks For Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think“.
Il s’agit d’un travail publié par Dalia Mogahed et John L. Esposito sur l’Etat des opinions publiques arabes et notamment sur leurs rapports à l’anti américanisme et au terrorisme. Et parmi les éléments pertinents, les auteurs de cette recherche ont essayé de mettre en parallèle la dichotomie entre, d’une part, la réprobation morale du terrorisme en général et, d’autre part, la « rage [sic]» éprouvée à l’égard des politiques de l’administration américaine dans la région. De même, Dalia Mogahed et JL. Espositio ont cherché à démontrer que la guerre contre le terrorisme qui est en train d’être gagnée, n’est pas celle des américains, mais celle qui a lieu dans les pays musulmans par les musulmans. Dans ses interventions audio, D. Mogahed rappelle qu’elle a relevé lors de son vaste sondage d’opinion, que le sentiment antiterroriste n’a jamais été aussi important chez les musulmans.
Outre, le podcast du Mideasti.org (à ne pas confondre avec le Middle East Partnership Initiative), Je mets un extrait d’une intervention de D. Mogahed au Washington Institute au sein de laquelle elle synthétise quelques résultats de son enquête. Je laisse également celle du public, dont la malicieuse intervention de Ali Alyami du « Center for Democracy & Human Rights in Saudi Arabia » (24:30).
- Dalia Mogahed at the Washington Institute:
The nature of Arab Public Opinion
Ci-joint la seconde intervention audio publiée par le Mideasti.org suivie en annexe de la description du travail de l’auteur par le même centre de recherche.
- Speaker: Dalia Mogahed
- Title: Who Speaks For Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think
- Album: MEI Podcast
- Year: 2008
- Length: 77:47 minutes (26.71 MB)
- Format: Stereo 22kHz 48Kbps (CBR)
Astrubal, le 5 juin 2008
“Who Speaks For Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think”
A Special Book Launch with Dalia Mogahed
Mar 20 2008 – 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Related ResourcesRegional Issues
US-Arab RelationsMarking the fifth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Middle East Institute & Foundation for Middle East Peace are honored to present Dalia Mogahed to discuss her timely new book, co-authored with John L. Esposito, “Who Speaks For Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think,” the result of six years of research and more than 50,000 interviews representing 1.3 billion Muslims who reside in more than 35 nations that are predominantly Muslim or have sizable Muslim populations. Gallup’s largest study of Muslim populations worldwide challenges conventional wisdom and the inevitability of a global conflict as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan continue. Despite widespread media coverage of global terrorism from America and Europe to the Middle East and Asia, little is known about what majorities of the world’s Muslims really think and feel. What do Muslims say about violence and terrorist attacks? What do they say about democracy, women, and relations with the West? What are their values, goals, and religious beliefs? Representing more than 90% of the world’s Muslim community, “Who Speaks For Islam?” is the largest, most comprehensive study of its kind.
Ms. Mogahed is a Senior Analyst and Executive Director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies, a nonpartisan research center dedicated to providing data-driven analysis on the views of Muslim populations around the world. Her analysis has appeared in a number of leading publications, including the Wall Street Journal, Foreign Policy Magazine, Harvard International Review, The Journal of Middle East Policy, and many other academic and popular journals. Mogahed leads the analysis of Gallup’s unprecedented survey of more than one billion Muslims worldwide, including Muslims in the West. She also directs the Muslim-West Facts Initiative (www.muslimwestfacts.com), through which Gallup, in collaboration with The Coexist Foundation, is disseminating the findings of the Gallup World Poll to key opinion leaders in the Muslim World and the West.
A Light Lunch Will Be Served
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