Mes amis, la démocratie et les Droits de l’Homme sont un long chemin. La Tunisie, comme nous le rappellent les mauves, a pris son bâton de pèlerin depuis l’indépendance et avance à pas fermes. Preuve est faite par ce dernier amendement du code pénal (article 319) qui considère désormais le châtiment corporel infligé par les parents à leurs enfants comme un acte pénal. Je suis certain que cette avancée en bouche un coin à tous les jaloux, les traitres et les pseudos défenseurs des Droits de l’Homme. En tout cas le plus sarkozyste des journaux français, Le Figaro, n’a pas manqué de rapporter la nouvelle (ici)…
Pour 10 millions de tunisiens considérés par l’État comme des bébés, il est à espérer que cet amendement nous épargne au moins les châtiments corporels infligés par notre gentil régime.
PS: je remercie l’ami qui se reconnaitra et qui m’a passé cette info et l’idée de la caricature. Je rappelle à ce propos que 50% du contenu de ce blog est lié aux échanges que j’entretiens avec certains visiteurs assidus.
Blog Débat Tunisie
dans son desir de plaire aux occidentaux notre regime devient ridicule,je pense qu ils n ont plus d idees et que leur cerveaux deviennent rabougri.
His highness accords an interview:
rare is the time when the president
honor you with his precious time,and
allow you precious time of his company
It is reserved for reputable and powerfull
foreign state<>.
The prized occasion is afforded to the
times of United soils of uranous.
A planet not connected to internet nor
to any system in tunisia,plus being far
with a language unheard of in tunisia
speak,so it is safe to let his hair down or
gray in age parlor.
his precious time is devoted to his
5 year old wich has above I Q than
the african tunisian and more he
will be the future leader after his mum
then brother in law,then uncle,then
All that is to allow the stability
that the tunisians crave.
The interview went as follow:
J:I’m piss apolous from U S S Uranous times
can I call you Zibla the clairevoyant,the
wise,the sage,the avant gardiste,the cher,the ungraying
the wonderful,the rock of gibrater,the know all and
nothing,the stabaliser,the libertarian,the women wings
giver and the list can go on but your time is precious.
Thank you you speak like my chosen journo’s mister
piss head.Can I call you that it is easier for my age
plus you have hard names for us to pronounce in
africa and arabia.
J:you are known as ben forever,zibla for good
Is that good in tuna speak?.
Oh yes,they are pat words given to me as homage
for my clairevoyance,stability,and avangardisme.
you can get allowance from me if you say nice
things about me,me,me,me.rhymes doesn’t
piss head uro popoplos.
J:thank you president you are kind.
they say that you are democratic,pluralistic,
good listener,eco mindist,greenist,religist,
Is that true?
P:yes and more:I’m structurist,my family
enrichist,my wife’s family money amassist,nephews,cousins
brothers.I’m simply a family person before being a president.
as for ecologist my privatetour guides will take you to our
wonderfull unspoilt beaches of Zahra,boukernine,Hammam lif
may be even Sfax or Gabes.people want to name them like me Zibla
as a form of gratitude.
J:Human rights is your fortitude in this very advanced,pluralistic
state can you expand on that your honor Zibla?>
P:yes you don’t understand africanus man,we are not mature for
your crap.
Human is one word,Rights is another.
As human we build jails more than you per capita,
lions,monkies,giraffes don’t. that is why we are
more human than you.
As for rights I do what is right for my close ones
ask tradelsi,matri,the ben for good,my sons in law
my cousins,brothers.I;m good for the infrastructure
of their bank accounts that makes me good for
tunisia planet africanus.
thankyou ,write nicely or you end up in geole
planet,hot,no light,plenty of zibla smell and you
share it with rats,journalists,human rightists,islamists
les jeunes tunisiens sont des heros a nos yeux , faitent que la tunisie soit un exemple pour les arabes et attention aux oportinistes qui veulent prendre votre liberte.restes unis et bonne continuation.