Vous savez mes amis combien j’aime les animaux et les insectes. Des flamants roses, aux grenouilles, des éléphants aux vaches en passant par les chiens et les cafards, le bestiaire de DEBATunisie est un véritable zoo à l’image du pays. Cette attention particulière que je porte envers l’espèce animale m’amène ce soir à faire appel à votre solidarité pour venir en aide au tigre Pasha victime de la tyrannie mauve.
En effet, grâce à Wikileaks nous est rapporté le témoignage de l’ambassadeur américain convié chez Pierre de Mateur qui nous confirme qu’effectivement Pasha passe ses journées derrière les barreaux. Ainsi notre gendre présidentiel dans sa belle demeure de Hammamet tient en otage une bête innocente (voir le paragraphe 13 ici). Le fauve aurait été tenu en captivité tout juste après sa naissance selon les mêmes sources.
Joignez vous au comité de coordination des flamants roses et de l’association des carpeaux du lac pour dénoncer la détention arbitraire de Pasha nouvelle victime de l’arbitraire du régime!
Relayez cet appel en vous joignant à la page facebook: Libérez Pasha!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by weddady and Nawaat de Tunisie, Malek Khadhraoui. Malek Khadhraoui said: RT @nawaat Nawaat: Tunisie : Libérez #Pasha ! http://bit.ly/e2vlSH #tunileaks #cablegate […]
THE FOUR LEGGED ARE:tigers ,lions,etc… We are not there,nor are the poor animals to be put behind bars for the sole purpose to amuse the sadists and provide moments of distraction.
HELP IS ON THE WAY PASHA. We can’t allow this phoney animal keep you behind bars. The true nature of all beings is freedom PASHA,PASHA,PASHA must be free like all the rest. PASHA safety can’t trusted to a savage like mateur.
PASHA THE TIGER SECRET SUCCESS: PASHA IS OUR SLEEPER AGENT at the pretender headquarter and near the top echelon of the gang. Wiki leaks,son of carthage,the image maker of pasha the tiger are all putting the means and ways to strike at the appropriate time. I for one a single finger typist,thumping my keyboarb franticly to conjure a method of application to use when the time is right.
The empowerment means will be delivered to you. When the clan gathers at mateur abode,zibla,his leech wife and the rest of their parsites families ,you’ll open the cage and snuff the life out of the lot.
PASHA will be the only tunisian to achieve that and not talk or boast about it.A TRUE TIGER. You’ll be a hero,you,ll be HANIBAL THE SECOND a tue tunisan tiger. An honorary presidency will be bestowed on you,a hero in all tunisian hearts and eyes. We promise you an open air reserve,guarded and filled with the rest of zibla and his wife families so you practice your natural instinct of hunting.
Plenty of them to keep you happy for the rest of your life but should you run out of them quickly we will supplement it with the RCD members,the guardian of jails,the police force and a bit of the army.
MY ADVICE: kill but don’t eat they are too acidy to digest and you deserve better. A vet will be near to guard you against undigestion caused by those sulpher creatures. PASHA,PASHA,you are a treasure and we are grateful. FREE PASHA,FREE TUNISIANS the unsang heroes.
A GENEALOGY READING OF PASHA THE TIGER LINEAGE TELLS US HE IS:A DESCENDEANT OF The tunisian royal family unlike the current crop of leaders :ZBLA AND CO lineage is the sewer. That explains their behaviour.
Pasha is not only our sleeper agent but a successful mission to rid us of that lot would guarantee him the BEYHOOD of tunisia even of only an honorary one.
PASHA you are a true tiger the one that has been missing in all of us for along time. YOUR EVER GRATEFUL TUNISIAN PUBLIC.
PICTURE TUNISIA AS A DEAD CARCASSE? THE VULTURE ZIBLA AND LEILA STRIPPED Most of the flesh,THEIR families the hyenas stripped the rest of meat but still hanging on to crack the bones to get the bone marrow and sharpen their teeth for future opportunity..
PASHA THE TIGER IS HELPLESSLY CAGED and can’t chase the pests. picture that scene of lifeless few bone strewn on the sand of the sahara south of tunisia?. The annoucement trumpeting the wish of the hyenas that ZIBLA stands for another term is as welcoming news to tunisian similar to that of a turkey welcoming thanks giving day in USA or a kabch welcoming AID EL KEBIR. Another doom’s day looms.POOR PASHA POOR TUNISIA.
el matri a un tigre et un pilote americain.Pourquoi son pilote est il americains alors que tunisair a 500 pilotes tous excellents.et que l armee tunisienne aussi a de bons pilotes.?????j imagine qu il ne veux pas qu on sache ses allees et venues et qu il se mefie des tunisiens.Quel est le salaire d un pilote americain en tunisie?
Trés bonnes questions et bonne analyse. En fait, il y a d’excellents pilotes tunisiens (de l’armée ou du civil). Pour le salaire mensuel, je pense qu’il ne doit pas être moins que 15000 – 20000 USD.