
January the 14th, Ben Ali found him self forced to flee Tunisia to Saudi Arabia under the pressure of popular youth movement started few weeks earlier in Sidi Bouzid. The revolution was, soon after, followed by another one in Egypt leading to the same success!
Tunisian and Egyptian youth had, then, few hours to celebrate their historical achievement before discovering that the real battle has just started… The battle against the regime and all the forces that may halt the democratic process.
Today, few months after removing Ben Ali and Mubarak, we went through a hard, sensitive and confusing process on which we had, each time, to unveil (by ourselves) the identity of our real enemies and to overcome their plans to abort the revolution.
Interim governments with their known guilt and implication with the old regimes, some political parties which are, till today, unable to refresh their ideologies and processes and get adapted to the new reality, big gurus of the old regime who still enjoy a lot of privileges and a huge power that are using to make sure situation won’t escape from their control… A long list of anti-revolution entities and persons!
This kept us so busy, so confused and so distracted that we didn’t see the worst coming… The G8!
The fall of Ben Ali and Mubarak was a huge surprise for everyone, but while we where balancing between our celebrations and protests, they (the masters of this world) were planning how to recover from the slap they got from both Tunisian and Egyptian youth..
Think about it..
Do really buy the nice speeches Obama made about the Tunisian revolution?
Do you really think they are happy with Egypt being on the way to be ruled by its people?
Do you really buy their promises to not interfere in our processes?
Do you really really think they will accept a change, a deep and radical one, bein made in the middle east without their approval!
G8: Reality is changing, let’s adjust:
You won’t hear any of our dear politicians saying this… Forget it, they are too busy with their dirty and cheap fights!!
Islamism vs. Secularism, which party is the threat for democracy…. bla bla
The above are just samples of the current political debates here in Tunisia. If you are Egyptian, no need to comment, I bet this is typically the case with you!
Mash’allah, the same stupid school of losers!
The ones who are adjusting their processes are not our politicians but the G8 super duper cool club.

They long controlled us by having our corrupt dictators in their pockets.. And they helped them keeping their regimes powerful and in place by maintaining us under the control of fear: Fear from them and fear from terrorism as they convinced us of their indispensability to fight it!
Now what? They must have said!
Fear is gone, terrorism myth is not convincing anymore…
Lady and gentlemen, you know what? We forget to say it before, but we love Egypt and we love Tunisia…
And believe it or not we are sooooo impressed by the courage, dignity, pacifism and determination of youth in both countries.. Oh yeah, they rock!
So, we are going to support them..
We are the savers of human rights, Aren’t we? Yes we are!
So we are going to give them a nice push… A big push.. A zillion dollars push!!
Yeah sure, they deserve it.. Look how nice, fresh and great they are!
From Tahrir square in Egypt to Sidi Bouzid in Tunisia we love you… And we will flood you, literally, with money!
Think again… Please.. it’s time to burn your mind and think,
I am not an addicted of the “conspiracy theories”, before throwing your usual accusations on my face, take you time to consider the following:
- Mubarak and Ben Ali were both close allies to US and Israel and they helped them a lot achieving their most weired agendas in the whole region. The new, to be elected, guys won’t have the possibility to follow the same path.
- Corruption of the old regimes made it so easy to many foreign entities, including global corporations, to arrange sweet and hot deals in the region.This won’t be possible under a democracy regime controlled by the people.
- Egyptian regime, with contradiction of the Egyptian people will, was explicitly supportive to Israel and was implicated in may cases. Take Rafa Gate as just an exmaple. The next Egyptian government won’t afford to have the same policy with the Palestinians.
- It’s not already clear how important will be the Islamic movements within the next Tunisian or Egyptian parliaments, but their influence is already a fact. Tunisia (I am not well informed about Egypt, this should be the case also) has a chance to have a democracy while not being secular. This would be a big slap to the whole occidental vision of democracy!
A huge debt billed by our freedom!
We will have to pay back a debt we didn’t decide to take..
And we will be forced to obey to their agendas, even more than what our removed dictators have done before..
We will be also forced to “eat” from our eventual social development plans, regional support budgets..
Forget all what we would love to achieve, forget the projects for which we have made the revolution!
I am not free, if I can’t decide for myself..
I cannot decide for myself if I owe someone zillions of dollars cash..The freedom gained by the blood of our brave martyrs won’t last if we don’t protest and reject the G8 plans for our both countries!

Save Tunisia and Egypt from slavery… Say No to the G8 plan!
G8… Dégage!
un Prov.chinois :
G8 preese aussi la Greque -et Espagne nouveaux credits
mais d’out vient l’argent ?
-sont les fonds perdu du betes arabes petrodollars, les capitales gele’ du Saddam, Kaddafi et les DIAMANT KING africains .
voila ils vous donne des credits de votre argent
si 100 Mio.Pers. tirer leur comptes bancaires le premiers pas pour que les banques faillites .
tout çà est bien beau maître Hajlaoui
mais que faut-il alors faire ?
refuser l’argent du G8 ?
se tourner vers d’autres ? qui ? la Chine ? la Russie ? le Brésil ?
ou bien rester enfermé sur soi, vivre en autarcie, dans la pauvreté et l’ignorance, revenir au troc et au lait de chamelle, en attendant l’unité des arabes ou des musulmans dans quelques siècle !
alors, Si Houssem, vous qui paraissez avoir les idées bien adéquates, dites nous ce qu’il faire !
Pas besoin d’être maître pour trouver ça louche..
Pas besoin d’être maître pour comprendre que les montants annoncés sont tellement exorbitants que pleins de questions sont à poser..
Pas besoin d’être maître avec les idés clairs pour se revolter quand un gouvernement de transition qui se dit lui même illigitime prend des décision graves de cette ampleur et qui vont engager tout un pays pour les generations à venir..
Des questions se posent clairement, même pour un modeste citoyen:
1- De quel droit prennent-t-ils cette décision?
2- Comment peuvent-t-ils savoir nos besoins (peut être on besoin de plus, ou de moins) avant de faire déjà un diagnostic de l’état actuel de l’économie tunisienne).
3- Des fonds pour faire quoi? Est ce qu’on a déjà des startégies de dev en place? Eina mafibelich, momken mattaba3tech, momken peut être qu’on a déjà élu un parlement et un président qui ont fixé une stratégie confirmé sans que eina je soit au courant!
Pas besoin d’être maître pour savoir que le G8 n’est pas 9attouss et bien évidement mayesstadich l’rabbi!!!
Merci Si Houssem pour cette réponse, cela dit il ne faut pas être maître non plus pour savoir que :
– notre peuple se débat dans l’ignorance et la pauvreté
– que la force du capital, quoi qu’on en dise, et la seule réelle force économique (Dieu en a voulu ainsi !)
– que dès qu’on parle de capital c’es qu’il y a des gens qui profitent de cette distance entre le travail et la capital (on peut le tourner comme on veut, celui qui te donne de l’argent en a certainement un intérêt)
– que notre peuple a besoin d’argent, c’est indéniable
– que celui qui attrape cet argent est l’ami du peuple, qu’il soit légitime ou non
– que aujourd’hui il n’y a que le G8 pour nous donner cet argent
– etc…….
c’est peut être cynique, mais c’est pragmatique
aujourd’hui tous les acteurs économiques qui ont profité de Ben Ali continuent à diriger le pays (à part quelques uns qui étaient très exposés !), BCE et son gouvernement en sont les meilleurs exemples, et continueront à le diriger pendant des années, légitimement ou non, c’est un fait, une réalité désolante mais qui n’a d’alternative, hic et nunc, que dans le désordre et la faim. Alors quêter dans ces conditions quelques dollars de plus au G8 n’a rien de grave, le tout est d’espérer que 50% de cet argent ira bien au intérêt du peuple, le reste on pardonnera ….
Bien à toi
Abou Yazid
Vous conviendrez déjà (enfin j’espère) que j’ai le mérite de lancer l débat, que je trouve très benifique et interressant :-)
Encore une fois, moi je ne discute pas ces deux FAIT:
1- On a des problèmes.
2- On besoin de support, et probablement financier.
Ce que je discute et je refute c’est le suivant:
1- Le fait d’aller à l’aveuglette vers des dettes énormes sans calculs. Ces dettes prévues sont énormes et elles ne sont pas calculées!!!!
2- Le fait que les pouvoirs de transition en place (en Tunisie et en Egypte) le fassent.
Nous avons une chance énorme de revoir tout et démocratiquement, ceci pourra être fait après les elections et là, et seulement là, on pourra décider sur des bases solides quoi faire et comment, et par conséquence à qui demander de l’aide et quel genre d’aide!
C’est ça ma revendication!
Sans populisme, sans slogans gauchistes… Sans tout ça!
On s’est battu pour avoir le pouvoir de décision en nos mains, eh bien j’aimerais qu’il le reste.
Une question, stp:
Si BCE valide ces dettes et par conséquences les projets flous derrières… A supposés que ses choix sont valables (IMPOSSIBLE, il n’a pas eu ni le temp ni les moyens pour ça), sur quoi on va décider par la suite??? Et si revoir la position du secteur tourisme était une bonne chose? TROP TARD, et si revoir notre dependence aux invesstissemnts étrangers était possible? TROP TARD…
Tu vois, je ne veux pas qu’on se retrouve dans une situation déjà catastrophique comme tu l’exlique bien mais sans aucune marge de manoeuvre parceque Mr. BCE avait décidé de tout et nous avait engangé pour 10 ans min!
Très simple!
Houssem, the state of the Tunisian economy and financial needs are quite known, as Tunisia has been a participant in international markets for a long time.
Our urgent needs are easily quantifiable because they are probably all related to imports, the price of which are well known.
Right now, the usual inflow of cash from investments, tourism and exports are all running extremely low, whereas the outflow is constant and maybe increasing (if we count the need to reconstruct to kick start our economy)
We shouldn’t be afraid of receiving this money, the terms of which should probably not be too onerous: the reason is that the cost of managing a failed state, especially so close to the Western shores, is too high. The international community needs a poster child of the Arab democracy and Tunisia makes a perfect candidate.
We shouldn’t exagerate the gratefulness, as everyone has something to gain, but we should not ignore how handy this money is and how non-trivial it is to receive these guarantees when most Western countries are still themselves battling with huge deficits and have bigger problems closer to home…
arreter de payer et exiger l’abolution des dettes de la tunisie vue qu’ils etaient fournis a ben ali et sa famille et dont les tunisiens n’ont guere profité.
soyez sures que si la tunisie choisit de preter cet argent des G8 , elle le repayera avec le sang de ses citoyens, son independance et des mesures dragoniens seront imposes qui touchent non seulement l’economie mais aussi l’education, la culture et vont instaurer un l’esclvage sans precedent.
l’or de la tunisie entre autre pourra aider a regagner la stabilite et nous evitera la chaine au cou.
demander l’aide au bresil, la chine, l’inde de l’amerique latine est une solution pour se debarrasser de ces cancres qui sont le G8, l’imf et la banque mondiale.
mais le plus grand obstacle est de chasser les collaborateurs , toute cette maffia d’hommes d’affaire, de technocrates et politiciens qui sont encore au pouvoir.
qui aide qui, ou a qui profite la mondialisation ?
Mr. Hajlaoui, you are helping the people who are anti-west with your ideas. Some of these anti-west people are dangerous for all humanity. You did not present any solid facts in your article. How did we help them keep their regime powerful? They are powerful countries mostly because they have strong ecomonies, that’s the bottom line, money talks. I am sure that Ben Ali and Mubarak were allies with them but not to the extent of being their puppets. The wikileak document has the american embassador saying that the tunisian government did not want to follow any advice from the U.S. regarding multiple issues. Right now we need those countries more than ever. We can accept the financial help without giving up our freedom. That’s why we need smart polititians, who care about our country. It is in our best interest to have a good relationship with the G8, maybe we can use them instead of letting them use us.
the strong economies of the extorsionists are created at the expence of the rest of the world mainly by colonisations and thru a wide range of violent wars where they carpet bom , plant mines, fragmentation boms and what you have in order to have more. the world should never suffer from hunger, disease if these economies were not racists, thieves and selfish.
u do not need those countries in my opinion , what you need is education and the ability to run your own life.
it’s not help what u r getting , it’s a LOAN that tunisia suppose to pay back within a period of 10 years, but what they are not telling you is that they will from now on tell you how to run your life,
what kind of austerity mesures you suppose to take to be able to pay your debt in time.
the austerity mesures include the freesing of salaries ( not of the elite ) stop subsedising social programms, forcing public libraries to close, no free healthcare, public services would be assigned to foreign compagnies like british gas( al ready working in tunisia ) they will starv you and you will be begging benali to come and save you!
And you will never be able to pay your debts nor will you have the comfortable life you always dreamed off.
First of all,
I am not helping anyone,
I am sharing my thoughts on a issue of interest for country… All bloggers and activists of Nawaat are doing the same and within the same vision!
The point is not why they are powerful, I actually don’t care… The point is how we can be also powerful!
Mubarek and Ben Ali were there puppets yes! Why do you think they have been supporting them for decades? Why do you thing they were doing blind eyes on their abuses on human rights?
The deal was clear, we support you and endorse you and in return you make sure to do a bloc against Islamists and you help us pass our agendas… Mubarak and Ben Ali are just two of a loooooong list of dictators around the world who were in place and kept their place with the support of the “West” you are defending.
I am not against having a good relationship with the G8, I do even think that this is a must! But what they suggest is not a good “partnership” link, but a slavery pact!
I will be posting a new article explaining my thoughts on the above points
First of all I am not defending the west. I know that that the U.S. and others have their adgenda and they only look for their best interest. I saying that, since we need financial help even if it is a loan, we should be smart and use them instead of letting them use us. We do not have many options.
This is exactly what I am claiming since the beginning!
Taking a heavy load of debt without any plan could not be called “a smart way to use them”
daghbeji says
Nawaat : ba3bous il kalb hattou7 40 sna fi kasba ,lereste vous devez le connaitre, comme ammar et toute la bande de vendu !
votre moderation pue la censure
Non c’est pas de la censure… La preuve qu’il y’a pleins de commentaires qui sont contre ce que les auteurs des differents articles (qui sont d’ailleurs très diversifiés et qui ne partagent pas forcément ni les idées ni les idéologies).
@daghbeji a tout a fait raison en disant que les grandes puissances économiques se sont fondées sur la colonisation et les guerres qui les ont accompagnées! Elles se sont fondées aussi sur l’exclusion de la référence or et l’imposition des monnaies (dollar, Euro) dans les échanges internationaux… avec la rotation de “la planche à billets” américaine.
Maintenant on peut voir, à l’occasion de l’affaire DSK, les batailles qui sont menées pour la direction du FMI par les puissances émergentes comme l’Inde, la Chine…
Que deviendrait une telle dette si le dollar dévaluait? si l’euro disparaissait?
Il ne faut pas oublier sur quelles monnaies est adossé le dinar!
what do you want to do ?? to make us fear !!! the conspiracy theory you want to promote is so outmoded!!!!
It is true that more debts will induce more dependancy but we need this money to reconstruct our almost destroyed economy.
our economy is essentially based on low added value which does permit to a real take-off of our country even ZABA and his thieves has fled the country
our economy needs a lot of money to invest in higher added value activities such as Internet technologies and services.
So please, forget this world (DEGAGE) and go ahead to better outlooks
I want you to discuss an issue I do consider important, that’s it!
If you agree that more debt will lead to more dependency, you must agree that we need to make sure we know what we do before taking this HUGE LOAD OF DEBTS!
My point is very simple (I explained in a second article you can find alse in Nawaat):
– We should study (our experts I mean)the real current situation of economy (bad is not an analysis, it’s an assumption).
– We then plan the needed development plans and fix the related budgets.
– Then we go to International instances asking for the needed money after we make sure we know how we need to pay it back!
And last point: This should be done by a legitimate gov not an interim one!
Why are we looking for democracy?
To be able to make that the decision making process is ours and works for our interest. What our economy needs, how to recover? Are questions not to be answered by you or me but by our top economists and the plans should be decided by politicians we elect.
I never mentioned and conspiracy theory, just go read about what a marshall plan is.
I didn’t asked for rebuilding Carthage without charges and didn’t make any recommendations of any kind of solutions, I am not economists and I am expecting our economists to do so.
I pointed what I reject and explained why I reject it and opened a debate!