هل يستحق صفة “نائب الشعب” من يشرع لقانون الغاب في المشهد السمعي البصري؟

يعقد مجلس نواب الشعب يوم الأربعاء، 14 أكتوبر الجاري، جلسة عامة لمناقشة مشروع قانون خطير، ينص على تنقيح المرسوم 116 لسنة 2011، المتعلق بحرية الاتصال السمعي البصري وبإحداث الهيئة العليا المستقلة للاتصال السمعي البصري (الهايكا)، الذي وصفه، منذ حوالي عشر سنوات، خبراء من منظمة الأمم المتحدة، واليونسكو، والاتحاد الإفريقي، ومنظمات حقوقية دولية بأنه خطوة حاسمة على طريق الديمقراطية.

Déterrement d’un projet de loi liberticide en vue d’abroger le décret-loi 115

Mme Souad Abderrahim, membre de l’ANC élue en octobre 2011 sous la bannière du mouvement islamiste Ennahdha, a annoncé, mercredi lors d’une conférence organisée à Tunis par l’Institut Arabe des Droits de l’Homme (IADH), le Conseil de l’Europe et l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), sur les “Garanties normatives et institutionnelles de la liberté d’expression” […]

The Tragic Decline of Tunisian Media

“In the past, Tunisia made huge efforts to invest in journalism education. Unfortunately, the people who benefited from those efforts have been gradually prevented from serving their country according to the basic rules of journalism and ethics. Scores of skilled and honest journalists have been silenced and forced to leave their job or the country,” says Kamel Labidi

Tunisian democracy: To hope or despair?

The release of 21 Tunisian political prisoners at the end of July, on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Tunisian Republic, provoked satisfaction among local and international human rights groups. However, no one ventured to describe the conditional liberations as a sign of softening on the part of President Zein al-Abedin ben Ali’s police s […].

Ben Ali’s dictatorship is creating more Islamists

The deadly clashes in the suburbs of the Tunisian capital between security forces and Islamist gunmen at the end of December and in early January took by surprise those who were under the illusion that an Arab autocrat of Ben Ali’s ilk could learn anything from Ibn Khaldoun. According to official sources, the clashes left 12 gunmen dead and 15 under arrest […].

Tunisia : independent but not free

Tunisia celebrates the 50th anniversary of independence this month, but hopes raised by the end of French rule and early reforms have long evaporated. The country is governed and owned by General Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali. But opposition groups have begun to suppress their divisions and make an attempt at collective resistance. […].

Stifled Tunisia gets a UN reward

No Arab ruler pays more lip service to democracy and press freedom, while simultaneously silencing critics and independent journalists, than Tunisian President Zein al-Abedin ben Ali. Addressing the state-run Tunisian Association of Newspapers Editors (TANE) and the Association of Journalists (AJ) recently on the eve of World Press Freedom Day, Ben Ali cla […].