النساء لسن أقليات

يتساءل المرء كيف لنصف مجتمع بأكمله أن يعامل مثل الأقلية وليس أي نوع من الأقلية مثل الطبقة الراقية من المجتمع من أصحاب المال أو السلطة. بل تلك الأقلية التي لا جاه ولا قوة لها. تماماً مثل المثليين جنسياً أو اللادينيين أو الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة.

Tunisia: Arcane Future of Gender Equality

Every time I attend what seems to be a sophisticated intellectual social event and mention unresolved women issues and the need for a feminist revolution in Tunisia, it backfires on me with what I view as inconsiderate prejudices. Some educated members of civil society think that what Tunisian women have accomplished today is more than enough and that demanding any more rights might lead to turning women into better citizens than men. If this is the case with educated individuals, imagine how it is with those in remote and marginalized areas.


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