Face au harcèlement et à la répression que subit notre collègue et ami Ali Anouzla au Maroc, Nawaat exprime aux côtés de 12 autres organisations tunisiennes (voir ici-bas), toute sa solidarité à Ali et exhorte les autorités marocaines à mettre fin à ces exactions indignes des ambitions démocratiques du peuple marocain.
Ali Anouzla 2
Open appeal to the Moroccan authorities: Over 50 freedom of expression organisations call for immediate release of Moroccan editor Ali Anouzla
20 September 2013 – We, the undersigned press freedom and freedom of expression organisations call on the authorities in Morocco to immediately release Ali Anouzla, editor of the Arabic edition of the news website Lakome, who was arrested on 17 September 2013, in connection with an article published on his website.