I do not engage men in conversations on gender equality, especially cis, straight men. The last time I did, I was called a ‘feminazi’ for shaming a man who unabashedly invalidated a woman’s feelings toward her own menstruation. I did not understand how a man could draw such far-fetched conclusions without even having a vagina, let alone bleeding from it. Moreover, what would entitle him to invalidate her experiences and opinions?
Tunisian feminism in the wake of elections: disrupted or reborn?
“There’s really no such thing as the ‘voiceless’. There are only the deliberately silenced, or preferably unheard”, Arundhati Roy
Le bourguibisme paternaliste ne devrait-il pas mourir un jour ?
Le 3 août 2015, on commémorait la date de naissance de Bourguiba. De là, on flairait la nostalgie d’un temps révolu mêlé à une fausse conception de ce que Bourguibisme fut. Les hommages nationaux se répandent, les medias sont prolifiques et les réseaux sociaux sont inondes. Et au beau milieu d’un capharnaüm qui en général n’expose la femme que rarement et ne transmet son calvaire que de façon extraordinaire, surgissent soudainement les droits de la femme comme instrument de propagande. Il ne s’agit point de célébrer ces droits mais de remercier Bourguiba.
Tunisian Revolution, Feminist De-volution: “Bourgeois Mammary Activism”
Our activists have somehow committed “Feminist plagiarism”, borrowing a foreign concept heedless of its source and unfaithful of its uses, without revision or modification. In this de-volutionary process, our Feminists transfigured revolutionary thought into “mammary thought” and transformed social justice marches into “bourgeois catwalks”.