Political parties 4

Tunisia. New Political Groups Seize July 25 as Launching Pad

New political groupings, parties, and movements have launched or gained prominence in the wake of President Kais Saied’s decision on July 25 to suspend Parliament, dismiss the previous government, and concentrate powers under the presidency. Meshkal/Nawaat spoke with members or representatives of several of these groups shortly after July 25; they said that the president’s decisions created a new political environment with new conditions ripe for making the changes they want to see. All of them strongly criticized or denounced the political system ante July 25 as undemocratic.

With No New Laws Passed, Government Coalition Under Strain

The government led by Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi, which was approved in a parliamentary vote of confidence on September 2, 2020, has not yet succeeded in passing any laws that it has proposed to parliament. Nearly 100 days in, the government’s proposed bills have been withdrawn following opposition either in parliament or civil society. Now, as it faces the task of passing a budget, the government’s challenges stem from tensions within and between the coalitions and constituencies holding it up, analysts and political commentators say.

اليسار في الحكومة الجديدة: قفازات اجتماعية لحكومة ليبرالية

مشاركة هذه المجموعة من وزراء ”اليسار“، سواء من أحزاب عرفت بتوجهاتها السياسية والفكرية ذات المضمون الاجتماعي واليساري، أو النقابيّين المنحازين للمطالب الاجتماعية والحقوق الاقتصادية تأتي في سياق شاذ من تعزيز التحالف بين قوتي اليمين الحاكم بجناحيه الليبرالي والديني الذّي تبنى خلال السنوات الخمس الماضية نهجا اقتصاديا يتماشى مع توصيات هيئات النقد الدولية وبرامج إعادة هيكلة الاقتصاد المحليّ القائمة على إقصاء الدولة من دورها التنظيمي وإلغاء الجانب الاجتماعي ومحاصرة الحراك المطلبي والاجتماعي للفئات المهمشة في الدورة الاقتصاديّة.

‘Where’s our Oil?’ : the (continued) confusion of politics and resource management in Tunisia

Winou el pétrole?”—Where is the oil? began to draw the attention of the media since the end of May when citizens hit the street with signs, and has gained considerable visibility since last week when demonstrations in the capital and the south of the country turned into violent confrontations between protesters and security forces. Furthermore, doubts regarding the movement’s beginning as a spontaneous social media campaign and uncertainty about the authenticity of its objectives have stirred controversy and warranted the response of the political figure and government officials.