Amina est sortie de prison. Détenue depuis près de deux mois et demi, la jeune Femen de 19 ans est désormais en liberté conditionnelle.
« La chambre d’accusation auprès de la cour d’appel de Sousse a décidé, aujourd’hui 1er août 2013, de ne retenir qu’une seule charge contre Amina Sboui, l’accusation de profanation de sépulture, et a décidé sa libération conditionnelle, explique l’avocat Souhaib Bahri. L’affaire est maintenant renvoyée devant la chambre du tribunal correctionnel de première instance de Kairouan. »
L’accusation d’ atteinte à la pudeur qui pesait contre Amina a donc étè abandonnée.
« Justice a été faite. Amina n’a rien fait et était victime d’une détention arbitraire », se satisfait Radhia Nasraoui, avocate et défenseur des droits de l’homme.
« Il est possible que cette libération ait un lien avec la situation politique actuelle. C’est peut-être une tentative d’apaisement », a-t-elle ajouté.
Il y a quelques jours à peine, lundi 29 juillet, le tribunal cantonal de M’saken avait prononcé un non-lieu pour le chef d’accusation d’outrage et diffamation envers un gardien de prison, après qu’Amina avait dénoncé des actes de torture et des mauvais traitements subis par ses codétenues.
On ne connaît pas encore la date du prochain procès d’Amina, qui reste accusée de profanation de sépulture. Ce qui est certain, en revanche, c’est que cette fois la jeune femme comparaîtra libre.
Soulagé mais inquiet,
Amina a été libérée aujourd’hui, mais reste inculpée…
Nous devons maintenir,à la fois la pression sur ce gouvernement fascisant, et soutenir Amina, jusqu’à la fin de cette injustice.
Amina est libre, il n’y a aucune raison pour qu’elle ne le soit pas !
Ne te soulage pas, surtout ne t’inquiète pas et ne t’excite pas trop .
Le dossier a été remis auprès du tribunal correctionnel qui, à son tour, se prononcera ultérieurement sur le verdict . Elle a vraiement beaucoup de chance que le juge lui accorda “une liberté temporaire” , avec un grand risque qu’elle prendra la fuite, ou voire récidiver . Ces types de filles sont difficiles à prévoir, car elles sont en conflit avec leur propre-identité…ce qu’on appelle “crise d’identité” . Mais il est clair qu’Amina a besoin d’aide et d’assistance psychologique .
Cependant je demande à Samir, ce qu’il fera si le cas concernait une de ces proches ( soeur, tante, nièce…), est-ce qu’il sera heureux ? Je n’y pense pas .
Pôv’ con, je ferais comme son père, et son oncle, je la soutiendrais et me battrais à ses côtés…
Quand ton maitre Zibi-llah aura foutu le camp, c’est à des types comme toi qu’il faudra une assistance…
Mal-eduqué et abruti, têtu mais encore plus pire,lêcheur de bottes , bavardeur, fanfaron, rotomontade….Tu ne sais absolument pas de quoi tu parles . Joyeux rêves !!!
@ kerim
Amina est plus lucide que vous. je pense que c’est vous qui avez un problème psy. au lieu de vous concentrez sur sa poitrine lisez son message cela pourrait être une thérapie pour vous. elle a écrit “mon corps est l’honneur de personne”. réfléchissez à ce message et vous allez comprendre que votre question et si jamais ta sœur ferai ça est complètement débile. Amina est ma sœur, elle est la sœur de tous ceux qui respectent la femme et qui veulent qu’elle se libère.
Je serais honoré que mes proches (filles, tantes, soeur) soient comme Amina, et non pas comme ces victimes de la mode qui se déguisent en poupée Barbie ou en Belphégor wahabites.
Kerim, Amina vaut cent fois, mille fois mieux que toi. C’est toi qui sembles psychologiquement fragile, à faire dans ton froc de peur si ta soeur ou ta tante faisaient “ça”.
“ça” quoi, Kérim ? S’élever contre l’arbitraire subi par les femmes musulmanes depuis la nuit des temps ?
“ça” quoi, dire que son corps n’est l’honneur de personne, qu’il n’appartient qu’à elle et que chacun doit gérer son propre honneur sans prendre en charge celui d’autrui ?
Mais c’est toi, garçon, qui a des prbs psychologiques, cette jeune femme t’es bien supérieure en raisonnement et en maturité.
Alors Fathia…..Ça va ?
Qu’est-ce qu’il te prend ? D’où viens-tu ? Et que veux-tu dire exactement ?
Personne n’a mis ton corps ou celui d’amina en question…par contre, c’est justement Amina qui fait montrer ses seins en plein public sans raison… On appelle cela de l’exhibitionnisme que la loi interdise…… donc n’essaie pas la technique de “désorientation” en disant n’importe quoi , car c’est stupide d’inventer des stupidités, pour justifier ton desaccord avec quelqu’un .
Tu aurais mieux fait d’aller rejoindre Amina au groupe Femen, si tu continues à insister…Mais il faut s’adresser à Femen … imagine-toi : Fathia Tyler, nouveau membre…bienvenue au sein du club !!! ?
Amina has been detained wrongly and now has the right
to sue the judge and the government for illegally detaining her.
she hasn’t been treated unfairly and the grounds she was detained on
proved to be false.
if the justice is applicable on amina than it should be applicable
on those that dish it unfairly.
either that or we have a tolerance to incompetent government and judges
that can get away with a blue murder in daylight.
justice must be for all.
Are you proposing to be her barrister ?
Yeah….be my guest ! Give us your best shot .
Make sure you book your flight in time .
I believe some folks simply refuse to tune up with reality, even when reality is larger than life . Because after all, Amina isn’t as innocent as her “fans” want to make us believe . She committed a misdemeanor for which she’s being tried . She’s only 19 ….just a teenager .. and needs probably to be “rehabilitated”, but that’s for the Judge to decide . Think he will…
Hope she’s learnt her lesson well by now !
Here is my best shot:
stop talking through your dung hole and use your brain.
amina is worth defending and is a rare tunisian pearl but
unfortunately she is among too many empty shells.
those that stand up for something are an inspiration the rest
are dust dirt moving in the average ordinary mass.
amina is smart and can figure things out for herself .
as for your types i have doubt that rehab will be the solution.
you gelled in……….. too hard to remould.
What a bunch of perverted buttheads…
SonOfCarth :
People with low self esteem are usually unaware of their shortcomings when Reason is at stake, and when push comes to shove, they unconsciously switch to “fanaticism” , to polarisation, to a compulsive useless rebellion ( mostly without a cause ) .
For that matter alone, they (including you) demonstrate time and again that they’re no different than the salafists that we all condemn .
What they have in common is some kind of a Tribal stubborness fed by phoney narcissism & selfishness , ..Talking about empty shell ? Take a good look at the one you’ve got … it must be emptier than an empty shell… just making a wild guess :)
SonOfCarth….or whatever your name is, use common sense and stick to the main subject, or else knock it off….just stop acting like a bewildered clown…on one hand you pretend you’re patriotic and loyal to Tunisia, while on the other hand, you’re as radical as our salafist friends/brothers . Where do we go from here ? Does it really help Tunisia if we all drift off from the main goal, and leave everything to chaos and vandalism ? To constantly say “nay” to any alternative, and we are certainly running out of alternatives, as the situation worsens by the day . We’re all bound by one single wish, that of forging a unity as a small nation…. division is now all over the place…enough is enough…This is NOT the way nation-building works, and certainly NOT when our Economy literally is in dire straits… it doesn’t take long before it’ll probably collapse….It’ll be the RETURN of TOTALITARIAN RULE…with its ugly head…egyptian fashion, or maybe worse….if you can burn that into your memory cells, you may scratch your “empty shell” afterwards…..but it’d be too late by then..capice ?
I bet that some folks don’t even care much about what would happen to Tunisia, in the foreseeable future .
Here is an alternative for you to digest?:
running away for cover from the rain only to end up under a mizab or gutter
ain’t an alternatif mate.
what moves things usually are radical ideas even if that looks chaotic and unpalatable.
the law of nature is chaos and nothing beats the forces of nature:the beauty resides
in that phenomena.
unity is a killing me softly approach to snuffing alternative approach or disguise to a
hegemony of ideas.
as long as there is opposite forces pulling different strings: we have checks and balances.
despotisme in those conditions strives and we have no ideas if we are on the right or
wrong track..nor do we discover that there is a better practice.
my lethal tongue or words aren’t directed to annhda solely,the opposition aren’t that
appetising either….they are as ugly:meaning fucking ugly.
I don’t advocate chaos:discontent doesn’t mean that.
nor do I approve of accepting everything at face value for the sake of harmony.
it ‘s an arrogance from any one to say to amina that she wasn’t respectful of traditions
or other alibis ,her message is in her words and who are we to tell anyone what to do
or how to behave by playing the wisdom and old sagesse?.
we ought to respect the young lady for what she is and celebrate her principalled stance.
i’m no part of any political party,tribe or even a citizen of tunisia anymore.
long ago washed my hands from living under those types of regimes and for good reason.
but still hold a soft spot for the land of my heritage and wish that it gets her act together
for the good of her people.
we may never see again ……that was 50 years ago nearly.
In this phase, we have only one option left : That is to unite .
You may qualify it as a-killing-me-softly-approach, which it isn’t by any means . The type of UNITY I had in mind has one clear objective, and that’s to saveguard the Transional-Period from disruption to secure that tiny strip of stability that keeps us, as it were, from falling into the abyss .
If we just agree to wait at least until a CONSTITUTION is in place, can be a fair deal of UNITY .
What we’ve got right now is a disorganized REBELLION mixed with Anarchism , Hoi-Poloi and mayhem . Mind you that organized crime is thriving at an alarming rate…drugtrafficking and drug consumption has reached schoolyards, and other public places… Is this something we should allow to continue ? Therefore only if everyone is willing to unite, that we can save our youth from self-destruction, or at least to declare collectively the war on drugs, and that’s also a form of UNITY .
Remains peculiar to me, when I hear you compare Laws of Nature with deliberate Human Acts !!!? Well…on Cosmic level, there’s only ONE major Law, and that’s Gravity .
But human beings have got a little something called “Shell”, by which we make deliberate choices….there’s however a dilemma still : What to do with empty-shells that just never seem to get it right ? Argue endlessly with them ? Ignore them ? Fight them ? Send them on a boyscout trip, and be tought how to communicate with pow-wow signs ?
I guess all this won’t help…..what really might help a great deal, is to choose the path of poise and reason, and to hold out until the Constitution is ready to be implemented, with all what it’s offering to us .
But if we keep, instead, demanding the departure of the institutions we’ve elected, we’re shooting ourselves in the foot, because we’ll be heading straight for total anarchy, a perfect environment for underworld activities of all kinds….It’s a point of no return, and a recipe for disaster .
Infatigable le Karim
Ton Ghannouchi ce chantre de la peste verte te paie combien ?
Tu me rappelles les trolls de Zaba juste avant le14 janvier 2011… ;)))
Tout ce que tu racontes, c’est du n’importe quoi…
Ça ne ressemble à rien !!!
C’est l’attitude typique des petits menteurs, comme toi, qui ont l’esprit tellement tordu qu’ils confondent entre réalité et fiction, et se montrent toujours bourrés de soupçons sur des faits non existants . Ce que tu pratiques c’est de l’abracadabra ( pour débutants), mais tu es un mauvais apprenti….Vaut mieux chercher un autre boulot…pauvre andouille .
If you could please don’t let me be misunderstood?.
unity is just a word with your intentions behind it might be noble.
to each we have our own vernacular and meanings.
unity to which you are referring or appealing is a synchrony of
tunisian thoughts with hope of achieving an outcome palatable to all.
fine ,noble and commendable but unrealistic given that we never can dance
to same tune,motion and every tunisian.
you want calm serene time in which we may take more wise decisions at
those moments than when when we are agitated in emotional frantic state.
lovely,lovely,lovely,dovey,dovey dovey.
what is at play there that counts:
the killing me softly meant to say here :by extending the current ruling we are
prolonging the agony of tunisia and embedding unbearable situation.
the election shouldv’e been held a year ago and ennahda intention are
anything but noble…. they will never adhere to rules and the type that should
be trusted with constitutional reduction .
Rules of law are never respected by any arab,moslem rulers and the islamists
are no exception to that.
the judges in tunisia,the police or forces of law are a good testimony to that.
where ever islamist are in charge the drug trade flourishes best,prostitutions
becomes endemic,social cohesion goes out the window.
since khomeini took over,the addicts number went high wire ,you can purchase
a prostitute by the month by the week so long as you pay $ 20 registration bribe
to an ayotollah: the so called temporary marriage.
the islamist in afghanistan are kings of the cocaine trade and poppy plantations.
would you like to walk in tunisia streets and a hairy gorilla tells you how to be
a good moslem or how your wife should wear her skirt.
these ruling mob inspiration are egypt : what do you find appealing about them,
is their poverty an inspiration,their chaos to be admired,their backwardness
an inspiration… on,son on do we have an idea that we are streets ahead
of them in most fields,we are more cosmopolitan and coherent society.
is somalia,saoudi arabia or any moslem state for that matter to be admired?
no but thanks.
as for gravity:it is not a law since it varies, but more of an energy like the one
all people have or planets do
gravity of a planet pulls you her direction and also emits energy, and people gravitate
to certain others through their magnetic charm and for you personally you gravitate
towards emitting some criticisme.
that’s fine by me and no hard feeling from my side towards anyone.
more than one law in nature and more than one way to skin a cat. or steal the
tunisian public purse.
You’re missing the point…but never mind !
Living in dia-spora on a far away continent can indeed be the reason why you & I aren’t seing the same picture, and have totally different views about the type of Democracy tunisians ought to have when they soon go to the ballot-box, and choose the party they want .
The question is, will everyone surrender to the will of the ballot-box…or will we follow the egyptian example . They’ve already exported Tamarrod to us…..Or should I say we’ve copied them .
Sometimes I am skeptic because we’ve got too many empty-headed walking around the block, barking and making noise just for the sake of making noise .
[…] Sortie de prison au bout d’une énième comparution devant le tribunal, Amina prépare son départ pour Paris. Sous l’impulsion d’une de ses avocates et face à l’impossibilité de finir ses études en Tunisie, un collectif s’organisa pour lui payer son départ et lui permettre de continuer en toute quiétude sa vie loin du vacarme médiatique occasionné à Tunis. […]
[…] policiers et son accusation d’atteinte aux bonnes mœurs, l’acharnement judiciaire sur Amina suite à la publication de ses photos, seins nus, sur les réseaux sociaux, le viol de […]