With a distinctively global, historical view of revolutionary and democratic processes, two recent collections of essays by Sada-Carnegie and POMEPS indicate that it is yet early to draw conclusions about the successes and failures of Arab uprisings. For Tunisia, these reflections are particularly resonant as the country’s leadership decides the constituents of a new “unity government” proposed by President Essebsi in June.
A new face for the same “foreign support” to Tunisia
Assessing Tunisia’s resistance to political and economic reforms, the Atlantic Council observes that “old guard networks are present throughout the political system, the business world, and security institutions,” and proposes that Western donors adopt new support strategy to help Tunisia progress in its democratization process.
الفصل 37 من الدستور التونسي… إشاعة
العقيدة الأمنيّة ظلّت على حالها، وهو ما أثبتته التحرّكات الجهويّة لحملة “#مانيش_مسامح“، حيث لم تتوان قوّات الأمن على التنكيل بالمحتجّين في العاصمة وصفاقس وسيدي بوزيد والكاف تحت غطاء “قانون الطوارئ” والحرب على الإرهاب.
The Balancing Act: Tunisia and its Foreign Allies, Democracy-Building, and Reforms
In Tunisia’s case, there will likely be for many years to come the relentless push, from both without and within, for foreign governments and institutions to supply aid, support, assistance, and know-how to the end/under the pretext of promoting economic growth, social justice, and State accountability. In this context, will Tunisia allow outside interests and impositions to define its foreign relations and, by extension, its own autonomy? or will it remain vigilant, deliberate, and selective in decisions concerning relations with its geographical neighbors, economic ‘partners,’ and strategic ‘friends’?