Dialogue 7

The Adab of Dissent and Dialogue

Professor Khalid Masud is perhaps one of the most universally-acclaimed Islamic scholars of Pakistan. Himself a product of both traditional madrasa and modern university education, he has researched and written extensively about the development of Islamic law and Muslim political-legal thought. As the former Academic Director of the International Institute […].


Interview with Abdolkarim Soroush. April 1997 – Following his return to UK from the United States and shortly before he left London for Tehran to end a twelve-month absence from the country, Dr Soroush spoke to SERAJ in an exclusive interview. Here is a summarised translation of this conversation. Dr. Soroush, over the last few months, you have travelle […].

“Islam and the West” .

1-Background Professor Esposito, welcome to Berkeley. Thank you. Thank you for having me. Where were you born and raised? I was raised in Brooklyn, New York. In looking back, how do you think your parents shaped your thinking about the world? My parents gave me an appreciation for education and a sense of being curious. They didn’t so much get me in […].

Islam et Occident.

Considéré comme le politologue américain le plus créatif de la génération des Kissinger, Samuel P. Huntington est ancien conseiller de Jimmy Carter, professeur émérite de relations internationales à Harvard et cofondateur de la revue Foreign Policy. Prophète du « choc des civilisations », il publie le 27 mai prochain un ouvrage qui fait déjà scan […].

A window on the world.

Western scholars helped justify the war in Iraq, says Edward Said, with their orientalist ideas about the ’Arab mind’. Twenty-five years after the publication of his post-colonial classic, the author of Orientalism argues that humanist understanding is now more urgently required than ever before. Nine years ago I wrote an afterword for Orientalism which, […].