First of all, the failure of the rating agencies before the subprime crisis is complete and total. That’s an undeniable fact and the huge effort that those agencies are making to restore their credibility will not, in any way, change that fact. And you should not listen to anyone who is telling you otherwise even if that person is Patrick Raleig.
L’Eco-Revue: IDE et FMI: mirages de la richesse
Chaque semaine, nous essayerons, dans cette chronique, de résumer l’actualité économique nationale, afin d’avoir une vue d’ensemble et ne pas se noyer dans la masse gigantesque d’informations disponibles et de pouvoir, assurer ainsi, le suivi des projets annoncés.
Response from Standard & Poor’s to an article criticizing our methods
I am writing to set the record straight about an article you recently published about Standard & Poor’s sovereign ratings methodology, and particularly its application to Tunisia, entitled “Standard & Poor’s cuts Tunisia’s rating: limited methodology or bad intentions?”. The article contains numerous factual errors and repeats false allegations against us, several of which I list below.
Standard and Poor’s baisse la note souveraine de la Tunisie: méthodologie limitée ou mauvaises intentions?
Le 19 Février 2013, une nouvelle dégradation a finalement abaissé la note souveraine à BB-. Pour évaluer la pertinence du classement de S&P il est essentiel de comprendre les limites de la méthodologie.
Standard & Poor’s cuts Tunisia rating: limited methodology or bad intentions?
To assess the relevance of S&P grading, it is critical to understand the limitations of their methodology. In fact, S&P sovereign rating approach consists of analyzing in a forward-looking manner a range of qualitative and quantitative factors to assess the political, economic, external, fiscal and monetary aspects of sovereign creditworthiness.
Standard & Poor’s abaisse la note de la Tunisie à “BB-“
L’agence de notation Standard & Poor’s (S&P) a annoncé mardi qu’elle abaissait la note à long terme de la Tunisie de “BB” à “BB-“.