War 6

Russian missiles in Ukraine, economic bomb in Tunisia

The war between Russia and Ukraine threatens to weigh heavily on Tunisia’s fragile economic balance. Soaring oil prices will aggravate the burden, with the barrel price having far surpassed the 100 USD mark, not to mention the estimated 75 USD on which the country’s budget was based. Meanwhile, the tourism sector is likely to suffer for want of Russian visitors who once filled Tunisian beaches and hotels.

Amman: a long term temporary stage for Iraqis

We’re not staying here” keeps on saying Razaq, a 45 years old Iraqi mechanical engineer. Razaq is as 500 000 Iraqis that left their devastated country to settle in Jordan, according to Jordanian official sources. They moved “temporarily” as they say, at least as they hope. 53 331 of them are registered at the UNHCR in Amman, the Jordanian capital. Razaq came to Amman […]

الحرب الغبية

انها الحرب الأغبى والأكثر تهوراً في العصور الحديثة. وجوهرها العنجهية الامبريالية والافتقار الى الحكمة في التعامل مع العالم، والتخلي عن أي اعتبار أو اتعاظ بالتجربة التاريخية ومدى التعقيد في شؤون البشر سيل التقارير والتعليقات الاعلامية عن الحرب، بكل ما فيه من الكذب الصارخ والتعتيم والتأكيدات الفارغة يكاد أن يحجب عن الأذهان مدى الغباء الاجرامي في مجالا […].