راشد الغنوشي: زعيم سياسي أم شيخ و إمام جمعة؟

ظهر الشيخ و زعيم حزب حركة النهضة التونسية راشد الغنوشي يوم الجمعة الفارط و الموافق للتاسع من جانفي 2015 في احدى جوامع الجمهورية التونسية كخطيب جمعة لخطبة امتدت لثلاث و ثلاثين دقيقة. و يتنزل الإطار الزماني للخطبة ضمن سياق المجريات الوطنية و العالمية المتسارعة (قتل عون الأمن محمد علي الشرعبي و مجزرة الصحيفة الأسبوعية الساخرة شارلي هبدو). و ان تمحور موضوع الخطبة حول “التوافق” و “الارهاب” فان اختيار الإطار المكاني جدالي، حيث يجمع الدستور و القوانين على مبدأ حياد المساجد.:

Fellagas: an Interview with Tunisia’s Islamists hackers

In the past few days, several Tunisian hacking attacks targeted governmental and media websites. Following the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris, the same group of Tunisian islamists hackers, that is called “Fallaga”, claimed the responsibility of the #Jesuispascharlie cyberattack that targeted more than 150 French websites. The group had also hacked the Tunisian Journalists Union website after it expressed its support for the French satirical weekly newspaper, Charlie Hebdo.

In Sers, Farm workers struggle against the investors’ abuses

Formerly, it was called the attic of Rome. Nowadays, Tunisia does not manage any more to fill its needs into agri-food sector. The sector suffers, since decades, from a bad management which weakens it. The repercussions of corruption, nepotism and the non-planned privatization carried by the old regime, largely, contributed to this crisis. It is the case of the farms, from Sers to Kef, where farmers have decided to open the files of corruption, reform the sector and create agricultural complexes, like there is, everywhere, in the country.


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