Over at The Arabist, Issandr El Amrani ruminates on Facebook’s role in Middle Eastern politics, a subject I’ve had my […]
Lite IP Filter: Censoring the censors
“Lite IP Filter“ is a PHP script that monitors and even blocks, if you choose to, IP ranges without using a database server. The script can also detect IPs behind proxies (except for proxies that are completely “silent”). Many situations may require the use of “Lite IP Filter”, including: If you are uncomfortable with the htaccess file, “Lite IP Filter” can block spammers and those who repetitively try to harm your site.

« Censuré pour censuré », désormais Nawaat bloque la police de l’internet
Qui presse “le bouton”, quelle administration et à partir de quels locaux sont exercés les blocages illégaux des sites internet en Tunisie ? Personne ne le sait ! Manifestement, depuis près de vingt ans, il s’agit de l’un des secrets les mieux gardés de Tunisie. Que cette censure soit exercée par un “fantôme hors la loi”, ne nous empêche pas de relever qu’il agit objectivement sous couvert du premier responsable du pays, c’est-à-dire le président de la République.
Deux outils pour les webmasters censurés, notamment pour bloquer la police de l’internet
“Lite IP Filter” est un script php qui permet de monitorer, voire de bloquer des plages entières d’IP, sans le recours à un serveur de base de données. Le script permet également de détecter les IP derrière un proxy, pour peu que ledit proxy ne soit pas totalement opaque

Google has disabled the ability for Nawaat to upload new videos
Today we got a message from Youtube informing us that the ability to post new videos on Youtube has been temporarily disabled for violating the YouTube Community Guidelines because of a video deemed “inappropriate.”
في حجب المدونات و كيفية إنشاء مدونة جديدة على بلوجر دون خسارة المدونة القديمة و الروابط الآتية لها
Tunisia and Bahrain Block Individual Twitter Pages
First, governments blocked Blogspot. Then they blocked Facebook, and then Twitter. And just when technophiles all over the globe started […]
Will Arabic domain names help censorship, create ‘cyber-ghettos’?
Back in October, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, began processing requests for domain names in […]
Internet Filtering in Tunisia – The OpenNet Initiative Report
Although Tunisia has actively sought to develop its information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure, the government continues to pervasively block a range of Web content and has used nontechnical means to impede journalists and human rights activists from doing their work. The filtering of political content and restrictions on online activity has […]
Herdict: a useful tool to report censorship is now in arabic
The web site from Harvard’s Berkman Center called “Herdict,” which allows worldwide internet users to report about web sites being […]