Femme 148

Expectations from the Muslim Woman

Prior to beginning my lecture, I would like to propose some practical suggestions. Speaking about women’s rights, women’s personality and Islam’s view of women differs a great deal from the realization of the actual value which Islam gives to human beings, and to women, in particular. Most often we are satisfied by pointing out that Islam gives great value […].

Expérience et doctrine de l’amour chez Ibn Arabî.

“Par Dieu, j’éprouve de l’amour à un point tel que, me semble-t-il, les cieux se disloqueraient, les étoiles s’affaisseraient, les montagnes s’ébranleraient si je leur en confiais la charge [1] : telle est mon expérience de l’amour…” Par Dieu, j’éprouve de l’amour à un point tel que, me semble-t-il, les cieux se disloqueraient, les étoiles s’affaissera […].

Contraction and Expansion of Women’s Rights

Q. New religious thinking in our society has remained consistently silent on women’s issues. There may be a number of reasons for this silence : it may be that some of the thinkers involved feel that there’s no such thing as women-specific issues ; or that women’s problems will be solved when the fundamental problems of society are solved and that the more […].