Sécularisation, Démocratisation et Monde musulman : Processus de changement
Expérience et doctrine de l’amour chez Ibn Arabî.
Par Dieu, j’éprouve de l’amour à un point tel que, me semble-t-il, les cieux se disloqueraient, les étoiles s’affaisseraient, les montagnes s’ébranleraient si je leur en confiais la charge [1] : telle est mon expérience de l’amour…” [2]
The Contradictions of the Islamic World
Social, Religious & Political Dimensions of Prejudice: Reflections of a Muslim (II)
An Introduction to the Public & Private Debate in the Islamic Culture
Religion, in particular among the cultural components, is one of the most influential factors in determining the extent of public and private spheres. Religions descending from Abraham (i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam) give rise to the human identity, through emphasis on the private life of the individual. What is the extent of privacy in the Islamic point of view?
Globalisation and the Future of Islamic Civilisation
Islam and liberal democracy
Jihad International Inc
Emerging Civil Society in Iran
Letter to a Young Muslim, by Tariq Ali
الأصولية.. محاولة للفهم والتفسير
Globalized Islam
Le Vaisseau de pierre. Claude Addas
La pensée exégétique de Muhammad Khalafallah.
The experience and doctrine of love in Ibn Arabî
By God, I feel so much love that it seems as though the skies would be rent asunder, the stars fall and the mountains move away if I burdened them with it: such is my experience of love…”