On October 9, 2015, the Nobel Prize Committee announced the Tunisian Quartet as the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and the associated award, the equivalent of 972 thousand US dollars. The Quartet will receive the prize in the Norwegian capital of Oslo on December 10, 2015.
Prix Nobel 4
Les Tunisien-nes à l’étranger apportent leur soutien à la candidature de l’UGTT au prix Nobel de la paix 2014
La proposition d’une candidature de l’UGTT au prix Nobel de la paix est en train de prendre de l’ampleur tant […]
Collective of Venticinqueundici: The European Union Peace Is Not Ours
On December 10th some EU representatives will go to Oslo to receive the award. Together with many other women and men, we can’t but express our deepest opposition to this award decision which hints at a conception of peace which is different from ours, an idea of peace which can’t be ours.
La Tunisie boude la cérémonie de remise du prix Nobel de la Paix
Nullement surprise d’apprendre que la Tunisie, parmi 18 autres pays, ne participera à la cérémonie de remise du prix Nobel […]