Liberté d’expression 43

Of Danish Cartoons, Muslim Rage and the Bedouin State of Mind

The beast within Islam has been prowling for a very long time. Islam as religion was also a civilizing force in Arabia as it brought for a while some discipline to its native population, the Bedouins of the desert. But the Bedouins are, Ibn Khaldun wrote, “a savage nation, fully accustomed to savagery and the things that cause it… Such a natural dispositio […].

Freedom of expression in mourning

Since we are physically unable to demonstrate within Tunisian public spaces, we will use the internet to organize permanent virtual demonstrations in order to express our total disapproval with the Tunisian dictatorial regime. À défaut de pouvoir manifester physiquement au sein des espaces publics tunisiens, nous mettons à profit l’espace que nous permet […].

The Press in the Maghrib

Between a Rock (Censorship) and a Hard Place (Prison) By Hamid Skif From Mauritania to Egypt, which borders with the Maghrib, not a day goes by without journalists being harassed because of their work. To mark the International Day of the Freedom of the Press, the Algerian journalist and author Hamid Skif sums up the situation. Without a doubt, the Kaf […].

Tunisia jails lawyer for Internet writings

April 29, 2005 9:21 AM TUNIS (Reuters) – A Tunisian court jailed lawyer and human rights activist Mohamed Abbou for three-and-half years for charges stemming from articles he published on the Internet, lawyers said on Friday. He went on trial on Thursday on charges of “his incitement of the population to infringe the laws”, “spreading false information […].

Counter Summit (suite)

Nawaat invite tous ceux qui seront intéressés par le prochain Sommet Mondial de la Société d’Information (SMSI) à rejoindre la liste pour partager l’information, débattre et préparer l’organisation d’Un Contre Sommet qui a fait l’objet d’un Appel (Lire ici) mis en ligne sur notre site. Afin de continuer ce débat nous […].