Réforme 280

We Urgently Need Religious Reform

The moderate Islamic thinker Muhammad Shahrur’s contemporary interpretation of the Koran has attracted a lot of attention. In an interview with Ahmad Hissou, he calls for a religious reform of Islam, which he considers even more important than political reforms. Muhammad Shahrur, how has the Arab Islamic world changed in the three years since the terrori […].

Emerging Civil Society in Iran

In recent years the issue of civil society has taken on new salience among students of international affairs. The emergence of civil society as a vehicle for democratization in Eastern Europe and Latin America has led to increasing scholarly attention to the role of non-state actors in promoting political and economic reform In recent years the issue of […].

Lire le Coran autrement ?

Comment lire aujourd’hui le Coran ? La question peut ne pas se poser à ceux qui, mu-sulmans pieux, bercés et nourris depuis leur enfance par la musique et par le contenu du Livre de Dieu, ont progressivement trouvé les chemins de leur vie spirituelle. Comment lire aujourd’hui le Coran ? La question peut ne pas se poser à ceux qui, mu-sulmans pieux, bercé […].

Islamic Democracy and Islamic Governance.

A summary of remarks by Abdolkarim Soroush and Charles Butterworth at The Middle East Institute, November 21, 2000 On November 21, MEI gathered two scholars, the Iranian thinker Abdolkarim Soroush, visiting professor at Harvard University, and Charles Butterworth, Professor of Political Science at the University of Maryland, for a discussion on “Islamic […].

Text in Context. Abdolkarim Soroush.

The science of nature is a human endeavor to understand the nature, and the science of religion is a human endeavor to understand religion. All understanding assumes suppositions and entails “categorization,” that is subsuming the particular under universal categories and concepts. Understanding religion is no exception. It is preceded by certain assumpti […].

Relire autrement le Coran ?

Par Chafik Laâbi & karim douichi Interprété par des hommes et figé dans le temps, le Coran nécessite aujourd’hui une relecture à la lumière de l’évolution de la société Des outils existent permettant de lire différemment le texte sans porter atteinte à sa sacralité. Relire autrement le Coran ? le sujet est tellement délicat et le tabou tenace que la sim […].

Manifeste De La Modernité Complémentaire

Un livre de MESKAOUI AHMADY Ce livre est gratuitement disponible sur nawaat. Pour le télécharger veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant : http://www.nawaat.org/forums/index.php ?act=Attach&type=post&id=63 Meskaoui Ahmady, qui aime se présenter en tant qu’un citoyen du Maghreb, est docteur en médecine et licencié en sciences de la nature. Il s’occupe depu […].

Tunisia’s elections : The long road to democracy

By Daniel Zisenwine Published by TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY The Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies & The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies through the generosity of Sari and Israel Roizman, Philadelphia. No. 113 | October 26, 2004. Tunisia’s October 24 presidential and parliamentary elections brought few surprises. As expected, Presid […].