In Tunis, many practice the fast during Ramadan, abstaining from food and drink from sunup to sundown, just as many do not. At any time of day, you can find the latter crowded into the smoky refuge of one of the cafés and restaurants that continue to serve throughout the day, recognizable by their shutters partially pulled down over doorways or faded newspapers pasted across window fronts, discreet signals to non-fasting passers-by that inside, it’s business as usual. But this activity remains susceptible to police harassment justified by Interior Minister Lotfi Brahem, dismissed on June 5 after being vehemently criticized by NGOs.
حديقة البلفيدير: رئة العاصمة في خطر
العديد يعرفون البلفيدير من خلال حديقة الحيوانات، لكن هذه الحديقة العمومية التي تمسح أكثر من 100 هكتار هي من أكبر المناطق الخضراء بالعاصمة وغطاءها النباتي يجعلها بمثابة رئة العاصمة التي تعرف كثافة سكانية متصاعدة وتختنق بحزام المناطق الصناعية المحيط بها. لكن الارتجال على مستوى التهيئة العمرانية يهدد مساحة البلفيدير بالتقلص لتفسح المجال لباعثين عقاريين خواص أو لطرقات تحد من الاختناق المروري وتُضَاعف من التلوث. في لقاء مع نواة، نبهت آمنة الشرفي، الكاتبة العامة لجمعية أصدقاء البلفيدير، من هذه المخاطر مشددة على الأهمية الوطنية لهذه الحديقة وضرورة المحافظة عليها.
Tunisia: Abstention Party, big winner of the municipal elections
The winner of municipal elections was already known to all: abstention. From one electoral deadline to the next, abstention has been gaining ground. Voting awareness campaigns had but little effect on disenchanted and mistrustful citizens, even when we question them in places where the municipality has undertaken renovations. Report in Tunis, precisely the Tunis 1 municipal district where the rate of abstention reached 74%.
Quand la Tunisie va-t-elle mettre en application les accords «Open Sky» ?
Le 11 décembre dernier, Tunis et Bruxelles ont à leur tour clôturé les négociations, entamées en 2007. Mais l’accord n’a pas encore été signé. Le texte doit auparavant suivre des procédures de ratifications internes en Tunisie et en Europe.
Yasiin Bey alias Mos Def à la rencontre de la scène hip hop tunisienne
Autrefois connu sous le nom de Mos Def, Yasiin Bey se produira, jeudi 10 mai, au Carpe Diem à La Marsa pour le Tunis Block Party (TBP). Tout comme les deux premières éditions organisées par les collectifs Frd & Friends, Upper Underground et Debo, l’évènement rassemblera la crème de la crème des DJs, Bboys, rappeurs et graffeurs tunisiens. Après le succès des deux premières éditions de Tunis Block Party, une performance assurée par le « Bey de Brooklyn » va sans doute réunir un plus grand nombre d’aficionados pour cette troisième édition.
Yasiin Bey aka Mos Def meets the Tunisian hip hop scene
It’s mathematics. In T-minus 10 days, Yasiin Bey, the artist formerly known as Mos Def, will be at Carpe Diem in La Marsa for Tunis Block Party (TBP) on May 10. Like the first two editions organized by collectives FRD, Upper Underground and Debo, the event will gather la crème de la crème of Tunisian DJs, Bboys, rappers and graffers. After an impressive turnout for block parties 1 and 2, a performance by the « Bey of Brooklyn » is sure to draw an even larger crowd for the event’s third edition. But TBP is not just a show for hip hop aficionados: with as much emphasis on street as stage, the party promises equal parts entertainment plus much-needed, healthy competition for participating artists.
Nour Harkati: On his journey, music and new album « Helwess »
Nour Harkati has spent the greater part of the past six years overseas, in Paris, Berlin and most recently New York. He wears the freshness of someone who has been away for a long time and is happy to be home. The singer-song writer has returned to Tunis for Jazz at Carthage, where he will perform with the band Aytma on April 15. During his sojourn in the capital, Harkati talks to Nawaat about life, travels and the musical adventure which has enabled him to try out different sounds and styles along the way. His latest collaborative project is “Helwess”, a soulful and otherworldly alternative rock album.
Reportage au Cap Bon : Pas de chance pour le zhar
Entre mi-mars et mi-avril, les bigaradiers sont en pleine floraison. Comme chaque année au Cap Bon, les femmes s’activent pendant une trentaine de jours pour la cueillette du zhar, la fleur d’oranger bigarade. Si les petites récoltes familiales sont transformées à la maison en eau florale selon les traditions, 80% de la récolte régionale est livrée aux unités industrielles pour en extraire la très précieuse huile de néroli. Alors que la fleur d’oranger est la plus ancienne plante aromatique et médicinale traitée par les Tunisiens, seuls les grands transformateurs profitent d’un marché en plein essor.
Reforming Tunisia’s law on associations: towards a lockdown on freedoms?
The legal framework governing associations is high on the reforms agenda, at least according to a meeting held by Mehdi Ben Gharbia and a group of legal experts in February. The initiative echoes a recent Financial Action Task Force evaluation in which Tunisia was knocked down a grade for its non-profit sector. And while the fight against money laundering and terrorism is the government’s key argument when it comes to reforming legislation on associations, the proposed amendments, in parallel with the demonization of certain associations, portend rights violations and a gradual lockdown of the sector.
The Barker at Bardo: an art exhibition with bigger bark than bite
March 18 marked three years since the attack at Tunisia’s Bardo National Museum. Among the centuries of history and art housed within the former palace of the Beys, the memory of the recent incident and its 23 victims still lingers. But today, the building is alive with school groups and visitors, locals and foreigners alike. From March 11 – April 12, 2018, Museum visitors will discover « The Barker at Bardo », a contemporary art exhibition by artist Faten Rouissi in partnership with the Agency for the Development of National Heritage and Cultural Promotion.
Tunisia’s new regional administrative courts: What challenges lie ahead?
Just in time for long-awaited municipal elections on May 6, 2018, Tunisia’s 12 new administrative courts are finally up and running. Prior to the creation of these regional chambers, all complaints concerning violations and abuse of power by public authorities were filed with the administrative judiciary headquartered in the capital. Despite delays and funding constraints that have beleaguered their organization, a dozen new chambers and 60 newly-appointed judges have hit the ground running since they became operative on February 22 of this year. For in addition to its day-to-day litigations, the administrative judiciary has a pivotal role to play in ensuring the integrity of upcoming local elections.
American grains in Tunisia: can self-sufficiency be imported?
The National Agronomy Institute of Tunis has collaborated on several projects with the US Grain Council over the past decade. Now they are launching a new project in the country’s animal feed sector. On March 1, Minister of Agriculture Samir Taieb and US Ambassador to Tunisia Daniel Rubinstein convened at INAT to announce the creation of a regional training center for feed manufacture engineers and technicians. With the aim of improving feed and livestock production in Tunisia, the project promises to serve consumers but also farmers and feed manufacturers. The USGC is clear in its communications that the project also serves to promote American grains in Tunisia’s import-saturated market.
Hunting in Tunisia: Obsolete legislation, poor management and a lack of political will
In January 2018, the Lebanese Hunting Club posted a series of photographs displaying hunters smiling behind their spoils, hundreds of birds downed during a trip to Tunisia. The images suscitated a wave of outrage by conservation groups not only for the way that the group advertised their copious kill, but for the fact that hunting of this scale is permitted under current legislation. On paper, regulations in the sector were designed to conserve biodiversity and ecosystems. To what extent do today’s hunting practices, quotas and implementation live up to this role?
Constitutional Court: consensus blocked it, consensus to move it forward
In parliament this week, deputies fixed the date on which they will elect the first four members of Tunisia’s Constitutional Court. Long held up in the selection process, the assembly now has less than a month to approve candidates before voting on March 13, 2018. Four years after the adoption of a new Constitution and three years after passing the organic law concerning the Constitutional Court, deputies have been under mounting pressure to establish the unique authority with the capacity to ensure the constitutionality of the laws. Consensus is at once the main cause of delays and also the solution of last recourse. At this late phase, will it enable them to move forward?
Interview avec Habibi Funk à Tunis [Vidéo]
Pour le finissage de Geniale Dilletanten, exposition itinérante de l’Institut Goethe (20-28 janvier), la performance de djing d’Habibi Funk fait salle comble au Marengo Club, au centre-ville de Tunis. De son vrai nom, Jannis Stürtz, co-fondateur du label Jakarta Records à Berlin, donne, à travers le projet Habibi Funk une deuxième et parfois une première vie aux œuvres méconnues d’artistes de la scène underground des années 70 et 80 de la Tunisie, d’Algérie, d’Egypte, du Soudan et du Liban. A l’occasion de son séjour tunisois, Nawaat l’a rencontré. Interview.
De Chili’s à KFC, vers une razzia des franchises américaines en Tunisie ?
KFC, Pizza Hut, Chili’s, Johnny Rockets, Papa John’s… la récente arrivée en Tunisie des géants du fast-food américains ne passe pas inaperçue dans un paysage économique qui leur était auparavant fermé. Leur implémentation est facilitée par un nouveau cadre légal. Reste à savoir : est-il possible pour la Tunisie de s’ouvrir aux franchises étrangères et les potentiels avantages qu’elles apportent, tout en assurant une protection adéquate aux franchisés, concurrents et consommateurs tunisiens ?
Violence against women: New Tunisian law in effect, will it be effective?
Tunisian legislation adopted in July 2017 to eliminate violence against women finally went into effect on February 1. Organic law n˚2017-58 of 11 August 2017 amends certain discriminatory provisions of the penal code and requires State institutions to develop a coordinated approach to prevention as well as assistance and support for victims of violence. The adopted text is the culmination of numerous drafts and a years-long struggle by a few civil society associations. Now that the legal means are more or less in place, the question is how, and with what means, to implement anticipated reforms?
Interview avec Kamel Jendoubi: « La situation politique ne présage rien de bon »
Dans cette interview, Kamel Jendoubi, ancien président de l’Instance Supérieure Indépendante des Elections (ISIE), met en garde contre les dangereuses entraves au processus électoral tout en relevant les déviations qu’il a connu durant l’année écoulée. Il y fait part aussi de son inquiétude des dérives inconstitutionnelles et leur impact politique sur les résultats des prochaines élections municipales qui risquent de reproduire la domination des mêmes partis et les mêmes conflits sur le partage du pouvoir. Un scénario plausible en l’absence totale d’un projet clair, à moyen et à long terme, concernant la gouvernance locale.