Comment lire aujourd’hui le Coran ? La question peut ne pas se poser à ceux qui, mu-sulmans pieux, bercés et nourris depuis leur enfance par la musique et par le contenu du Livre de Dieu, ont progressivement trouvé les chemins de leur vie spirituelle. Comment lire aujourd’hui le Coran ? La question peut ne pas se poser à ceux qui, mu-sulmans pieux, bercé […].
Themes 13137
« Rendre l’islam aux musulmans ».
Selon l’intellectuel musulman Rachid Benzine (1), les nouveaux penseurs de l’islam peuvent éclairer des croyants mal à l’aise dans un islam centré sur la loi et le pouvoir politique. La Croix : On a souvent, en Occident, l’image d’un monde musulman emmuré dans une théologie sclérosée, incapable de s’adapter. Or votre livre présente une dizaine de nouvea […].
L’islam face à la liberté de pensée.
Professeur de sociologie des religions à l’Université catholique de Lille, Leïla Babès est l’auteur de trois ouvrages sur l’islam. Dans son dernier livre, intitulé « L’islam intérieur » (Ed. Al Bouraq, Beyrouth, 2000), elle s’adresse à tous ceux, musulmans ou non, qui s’interrogent sur la relation entre la spiritualité et la loi, sur l’évolution […].
The Rise and Fall of Political Islam
Porsesh : What is your interpretation of concepts such as Islamic fundamentalism and political Islam ? What is the difference between the two ? Mansoor Hekmat : I do not use the expression Islamic fundamentalism because I believe it is a calculated Right wing interpretation, which deliberately presents a misleading image of contemporary Islam and Islamic […].
Fundamentalism and Modernism in the Contemporary Iranian Islam
Summary: `Islamic fundamentalism’ and `Islamic modernism’ are questions that Hojjatoleslam Hassan Yousefi Eshkevari has discussed in a lecture delivered at the University of Sorbonne in France in February 26, 1997. Text: In this article we will try to answer the following questions: a. What is Islamic fundamentalism? b. What is Islamic modernism? c. Wh […].
أوهام الليبرالية الجديدة
هل يمكن الانتقال إلى الليبرالية الجديدة في بلد متخلف؟ مناقشة المفاهيم 1 ظهر في العقدين الأخيرين في الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا مذهب اقتصادي إيديولوجي سمي بـ “الليبرالية الجديدة”. ولعل أهم عنصر جديد في هذا المذهب هو دعواه الإيديولوجية التي تبشر بنموذج جديد للدولة، تمارَس السلطة فيه على أساس مبدأ “الكوفيرنانس” governance، على غرار شركات المساهمة في ال […].
Des démocraties futures sans peuples.
Penses-tu qu’il soit possible de savoir ce qu’est la démocratie sans savoir ce qu’est le peuple. » (Socrate). De la démocratie et des « démocrates. » Dieu, que la démocratie serait imminente, s’il n’y avait pas les méchants islamistes, ses ennemis qui la guettent et sont prêts à la démolir, une fois parvenus au pouvoir ! Il y a ceux qui, […].
Contraction and Expansion of Women’s Rights
Q. New religious thinking in our society has remained consistently silent on women’s issues. There may be a number of reasons for this silence : it may be that some of the thinkers involved feel that there’s no such thing as women-specific issues ; or that women’s problems will be solved when the fundamental problems of society are solved and that the more […].
Islamists in Postmodern Times
Why are the postmodern times in which we are living important and what isso different about them. In general, every generation that lives assumes itis unique and is different from the generation that came before it. So ifwe are going to claim that we are living in a time which is different fromother times we have to justify that to some extent. Why are t […].
The democrat [Abdolkarim Soroush].
IF IRAN’S DEMOCRATIC REFORM movement has a house intellectual, it’s Abdolkarim Soroush. IF IRAN’S DEMOCRATIC REFORM movement has a house intellectual, it’s Abdolkarim Soroush. A small, soft-spoken philosopher with fiercely expressive eyebrows, Soroush specializes in mysticism, Sufi poetry, Islamic theology, chemistry, pharmacology, and the philosophy of […].
Abdolkarim Soroush and Islamic liberation theology.
Abdolkarim Soroush has emerged as the foremost Iranian and Islamic political philosopher and theologian. His sprawling intellectual project, aimed at reconciling reason and faith, spiritual authority and political liberty, ranges authoritatively over comparative religion, social science, and theology. However, it is only by understanding the local context […].
Islam Through Western Eyes
The media have become obsessed with something called “Islam,” which in their voguish lexicon has acquired only two meanings, both of them unacceptable and impoverishing. The media have become obsessed with something called “Islam,” which in their voguish lexicon has acquired only two meanings, both of them unacceptable and impoverishing. On the one hand, […].
Reason and revelation.
“Reason defines truth, justice, public interest, and humanity”. From chapter entitled “The Idea of Democratic Religious Government” in Reason, Freedom and Democracy in Islam: Essential Writings of Abdolkarim Soroush (Oxford University Press, 2000), edited by Mahmoud Sadri and Ahmad Sadri. Also see editors’ introduction. Modern science explains the world […].
Islamic Democracy and Islamic Governance.
A summary of remarks by Abdolkarim Soroush and Charles Butterworth at The Middle East Institute, November 21, 2000 On November 21, MEI gathered two scholars, the Iranian thinker Abdolkarim Soroush, visiting professor at Harvard University, and Charles Butterworth, Professor of Political Science at the University of Maryland, for a discussion on “Islamic […].
Types of Religiosity.
When we come to experiential religiosity, we step from the domain of separation into the domain of union. The previous types of religiosity can be described as religiosities of distance, for the first was physical and practical and the second mental and reflective. The first was based on instrumental rationality and the second on theoretical rationality.
Europe versus America.
Although I have visited England dozens of times, I have never spent more than one or two weeks at a single stretch. This year, for the first time, I am in residence for almost two months at Cambridge University, where I am the guest of a college and giving a series of lectures on humanism at the university. Although I have visited England dozens of times […].
Text in Context. Abdolkarim Soroush.
The science of nature is a human endeavor to understand the nature, and the science of religion is a human endeavor to understand religion. All understanding assumes suppositions and entails “categorization,” that is subsuming the particular under universal categories and concepts. Understanding religion is no exception. It is preceded by certain assumpti […].
Indépendance et liberté – II –
Comme je l’ai noté dans la première partie, Eveil et Résistance, deux sujets ont dominé pour un certain temps l’espace virtuel de l’opposition tunisienne. L’un comme l’autre ont fait coulé beaucoup d’encre. Le premier, celui du négationnisme, qu’on va traiter dans cette deuxième partie de l’article, a divisé les tenants en deux groupes. Comme je l’ai not […].