Conversation with Chandra Muzaffar (1). by Farish A. Noor (2) Southeast Asia is one of the most diverse, complex and dynamic parts of the world today. Up till the financial collapse of the so-called ‘tiger economies’ of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia in 1997, the region witnessed double-digit annual economic growth and sociocultural transformation on […].
Religion 25
“We need new intellectual tools for the age we live in”.
Conversation with Ebrahim Moosa (1). by Farish A. Noor (2) You are mostly known for the work that you have done on contemporary Muslim thought and Muslim thinkers of the 20 t h century. Yet despite the enormous changes that have taken place all over the Muslim world, we see that Muslim intellectual activity has arrived at an impasse. Muslim societies se […].
We Urgently Need Religious Reform
The moderate Islamic thinker Muhammad Shahrur’s contemporary interpretation of the Koran has attracted a lot of attention. In an interview with Ahmad Hissou, he calls for a religious reform of Islam, which he considers even more important than political reforms. Muhammad Shahrur, how has the Arab Islamic world changed in the three years since the terrori […].
Re-colonizing Iraq
On 15 February 2003, over eight million people marched on the streets of five continents against a war that had not yet begun. This first truly global mobilization—unprecedented in size, scope or scale—sought to head off the occupation of Iraq being plotted in the Pentagon On 15 February 2003, over eight million people marched on the streets of five cont […].
Shoul Physicians Prescribe Religious Activities ?
There is increasing interest among the general public and the medical community in the role of religion in medicine. Polls indicate that the U.S. population is highly religious; most people believe in heaven and hell, the healing power of prayer, and the capacity of faith to aid in the recovery from disease. There is increasing interest among the general […].
The Clash of civilizations.
This article does not argue that civilization identities will replace all other identities, that nation states will disappear, that each civilization will become a single coherent political entity, that groups within a civilization will not conflict with and even fight each other. THE NEXT PATTERN OF CONFLICT World politics is entering a new phase, and […].
Types of Religiosity.
Identical words often misinform Believer and unbeliever seem identical in form Take words alone and many a feud follows Once meaning enters, calm follows Errors of judgement often arise from the fact that a single term can carry multiple meanings or a single meaning can go under different names. Reaching uniform judgements about those multiple meaning […].