Terrorisme 28

Weekly Political Review: Recent Terror Attacks in Tunisia ‘Shatter’ Illusions of Stability

Since the beginning of the month, the hunt for al-Qaida-linked militants in Mount Chaambi, a region near the Algerian border, has instilled widespread anxiety and fear among the population. At least 17 soldiers and police have been seriously injured while searching for militants during the past few days. And back in December an encounter with the group costed the life of a young national guardsman.

Tunisians convicted for trying to build hydrogen bomb

TUNIS, Tunisia: A court in Tunisia convicted 14 young Islamic militants Thursday of trying to build a hydrogen bomb and sentenced them to up to 14 years in prison, a lawyer said.

The suspects, who come from the North African country’s southern regions and range in age from 19 to 30, were taken into custody in November 2006 […]

Islam et terrorisme

1- Du Texte à l’Histoire Comme dans tous les pays non-occidentaux, l’engagement des sociétés dans la voie de la modernité a posé beaucoup de défis et provoqué beaucoup de contradictions. L’une de ces dernières concerne la manière dont il faut s’approprier les valeurs de la modernité et accéder à la nouvelle civilisation. Face aux courants nationalistes e […].

Antiaméricanisme et radicalisme islamique

Suite aux attentats qui endeuillèrent New York, d’innombrables auteurs cherchèrent à dégager les causes profondes de cet antiaméricanisme, à cerner les motivations des auteurs des opérations du 11 septembre et à analyser le discours d’un radicalisme islamique dont les schèmes de pensées et les références religieuses demeuraient incompréhensibles aux popula […].

Jihad International Inc

The violence of Islamism has emerged as a subject of anxious concern throughout the world, especially the Muslim world. In the United States, the Islamic resistance to Israel’s occupation of Lebanon, the West Bank, Gaza, and Golan and such incidents as the alleged plot to blow up the International Trade Center in New York City, have aided the media and oth […].

Give us back our democracy

In a speech in the Senate on 19 March, the first day of war against Iraq, Robert Byrd, the Democrat Senator from West Virginia, asked: ’What is happening to this country? When did we become a nation which ignores and berates our friends? When did we decide to risk undermining international order by adopting a radical and doctrinaire approach to using our […].