Islamist organizations—that is, organizations that appeal to the religious values and social conservatism of the Arab public in their call for political reform—are the key to democratization in the Arab world. They have considerable support, as measured by the votes they receive when they are allowed to participate in elections, the turnout at their […].
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The West and Moderate Islam
Amr Hamzawy looks at Western democracy promotion efforts in the Arab world. He argues that the U.S. and Europe need to engage not only liberal Arabs, but also moderate Islamists to appeal to their popular constituencies. […].
العالم الإسلامي والإصلاح
تحتاج المناطق الإسلامية إلى مبادرة إصلاح شامل لأوضاعها، هذه هي خلاصة الباحث اللبناني رضوان السيد في كتابه الجديد -الأصولية والإصلاح والسياسات الدولية- الذي صدر عن منشورات الكتاب العربي في بيروت. […].
L’islamisme, le jihadisme et les Américains
Le politologue marocain Mohamed Tozy parle de : L’islamisme, le jihadisme et les Américains […].
أمينة ودود وإمامة المرأة
الجدل حول أمينة ودود، أستاذة الدراسات الإسلامية، التي قامت مؤخرا بإمامة المصلين في صلاة الجمعة في نيويورك مستمر. ردود الفعل من مختلف أنحاء العالم الإسلامي تذكر المرء بقضية رواية آيات شيطانية لسلمان رشدي. تعليق الباحث الأندونيسي لطفي السيوكاني. […].
Can Women Be Imams?
Analysis Halima Krausen In the face of the controversy over Amina Wadud’s Friday prayer, Muslim scholar Halima Krausen argues that we should have the courage to ask our own questions, to study the matter conscientiously and to reach conclusions which make sense in our times Following the Friday prayers led by Dr Amina Wadud in New York on 18th March and […].
Islamic Jurisprudence, ’Civil’ Disobedience, and Woman-led Prayer
This is a call for Muslims to stand behind women in prayer as a matter of “civil” disobedience in the face of a clear injustice, even in the face of the discomfort. By Laury Silvers, May 12, 2005 […].
الابتعاد عن الطاعة العمياء وفتح باب الاجتهاد
هل ينبغي علينا أن نعمل من أجل رفع مستوى تعليم النساء وتحسين وضعهن في المجتمع، أم ينبغي علينا القيام بأعمال رمزية قد يؤثر إيجابيا على وضعهن تساؤلات تطرحها الفقيهة الألمانية حليمة كراوزن. […].
The Need for Reform in the Islamic World and the Role of Civil Society
We recognize that the problems of the Islamic world which are yet to be resolved date back before the geopolitical changes that we have witnessed in recent years throughout the whole world and particularly in the Middle East. However, it is also a fact that the developments affecting international order, and in particular the increasing power of globalizat […].
Freedom and Justice in the Modern Middle East -3-
To speak of dictatorship as being the immemorial way of doing things in the Middle East is simply untrue. It shows ignorance of the Arab past, contempt for the Arab present, and lack of concern for the Arab future. Creating a democratic political and social order in Iraq or elsewhere in the region will not be easy. But it is possible, and there are increas […].
Freedom and Justice in the Modern Middle East -2-
To speak of dictatorship as being the immemorial way of doing things in the Middle East is simply untrue. It shows ignorance of the Arab past, contempt for the Arab present, and lack of concern for the Arab future. Creating a democratic political and social order in Iraq or elsewhere in the region will not be easy. But it is possible, and there are increas […].
Freedom and Justice in the Modern Middle East -1-
To speak of dictatorship as being the immemorial way of doing things in the Middle East is simply untrue. It shows ignorance of the Arab past, contempt for the Arab present, and lack of concern for the Arab future. Creating a democratic political and social order in Iraq or elsewhere in the region will not be easy. But it is possible, and there are increas […].
France : l’islam entre laïcité et discours anti-immigration
“La France vit à travers l’islam la crise de son identité.” Dans un entretien avec Mehdi Ben Smida, Olivier Roy soulève d’importantes questions, notamment sur la tendance à “essentialiser” l’islam qu’il dit observer aujourd’hui. […].
Entretien avec l’islamologue tunisien Abdelmajid Charfi : Le pari sur le progrès et la raison
Comment est-on arrivé à lier l’islam au terrorisme ? Qui est responsable de la faiblesse des sociétés musulmanes ? Peu-on espérer que l’islam extrémiste connaîtra le même sort que les partis démocrates-chrétiens en Europe ? le professeur A. charfi, répondra à toutes ces interrogations. […].
Western Orientalism and Liberal Islam : Mutual Distrust ?
Orientalism is Western when it takes the West not as an event, but as an idea preordained in all eternity, complete and final from the beginning. And if it starts from this point, it has to construct its subject-matter as an explicitly, totally different item, reduced to the form it had at its birth. The two assumptions are clearly related ; if the West is […].
A humane Muslim future
Islam can move beyond its association with oppression and violence by being true to itself and its past, says Fareena Alam. “Islam means peace”, they exclaim. “Islam condemns terrorism”, they insist. “The vast majority of Muslims reject violence”, they wail. Even before 11 September 2001, Muslim leaderships in Britain and elsewhere went to great pains to […].
Islam et pouvoir séculier
Certaines vérités élémentaires sont toujours bonnes à rappeler. Le propos s’en trouve souvent éclairé. Entre philosophie et religion il est une différence essentielle. La première est une démarche individuelle : même lorsqu’elle aboutit à former système ou doctrine, elle reste du domaine de la construction que fait chaque individu pour son propre compte. E […].
The trail of political Islam
Gilles Kepel, one of the world’s foremost experts on the modern Middle East, has written Jihad : the Trail of Political Islam, the first comprehensive attempt to follow the history and spread of Islamist political movements. In a talk given at the Institut Français in London as part of a collaboration between European cultural institutes on the relationshi […].