TUNIS — Lawyer Mohammed Abou wrote sharply about politics in a country where criticism of the government is generally dulled. His outlet was the Internet, the only venue available to politically combative Tunisians, provided they can get around electronic censorship. […].
Rights 226
Communiqué de presse du 1er novembre 2005 – بيــان غـرّة نوفمبر
و في سياق تكثيف حملة “حريّة التعبير في حِداد” مع اقتراب انعقاد مؤتمر القمة العالمي لمجتمع المعلومات ينشر منشطي “يزّي” سلسلة أولى من أشرطة الفيديو الرامية إلى لفت إنتباه الرأي العام لخطورة أوضاع الحريات في البلد المضيف للقمة تونس. Et afin d’appuyer et d’intensifier la campagne « La liberté d’expression en deuil », les animateurs de Yezzi.org diffu […].
إضراب جوع – grève de la faim – Hunger strike
وإزاء هذا الوضع قررنا نحن ممثلي الأحزاب السياسية و الهيئات المدنية الممضين أسفله الدخول في إضراب جوع مفتوح بداية من يوم الثلاثاء 18 أكتوبر 2005 Pour exprimer leur refus de l’arbitraire et exiger le respect des droits politiques et humains du peuple tunisien, les signataires de cet appel, représentants d’associations de la société civile et de partis polit […].
Tunisians Launch Their Own Version of Kifaya
“Fock !” – yes, do a double-take. It’s a transliterated four-letter word, but not what you first think. “Fock” is part of the new online protest of Tunisians fed up with the censorship imposed by the regime of Zinedine Ben Ali (for background on the man whose ruled since when Ronald Reagan was still in office, see “Stamp of Myself” and “Ben Ali Family Valu […].
Freedom of expression in mourning
Since we are physically unable to demonstrate within Tunisian public spaces, we will use the internet to organize permanent virtual demonstrations in order to express our total disapproval with the Tunisian dictatorial regime. À défaut de pouvoir manifester physiquement au sein des espaces publics tunisiens, nous mettons à profit l’espace que nous permet […].
Tunisia: the trial of Zain El-Abedeen Ben Ali “the Arabic Pinochet ” opens the door for torture victims in the Arab World to bring their slaughterers to courts.
Gineva primary court opened a law case filed by the Tunisian Activist Abdul-Nasser Naiet Liman, the ex-prisoner against Zein Al_Abedeen Ben Ali and his ex-minister of interior, Abdullah Al-kallal on Wednesday 9th June 2005.the case opened despite Ben Ali’s being on power till now. باشرت محكمة جنيف الابتدائية نظر دعوي قضائية أقامها الناشط التونسي عبد الناص […].
Tunisia jails lawyer for Internet writings
April 29, 2005 9:21 AM TUNIS (Reuters) – A Tunisian court jailed lawyer and human rights activist Mohamed Abbou for three-and-half years for charges stemming from articles he published on the Internet, lawyers said on Friday. He went on trial on Thursday on charges of “his incitement of the population to infringe the laws”, “spreading false information […].
Counter Summit (suite)
Nawaat invite tous ceux qui seront intéressés par le prochain Sommet Mondial de la Société d’Information (SMSI) à rejoindre la liste http://lists.riseup.net/www/arc/tunis pour partager l’information, débattre et préparer l’organisation d’Un Contre Sommet qui a fait l’objet d’un Appel (Lire ici) mis en ligne sur notre site. Afin de continuer ce débat nous […].
Counter Summit
Some people within indymedia have started organizing for the World Summit on Information Society 2005, which will take place in Tunis. Below you find the first call. For more information check http://plentyfact.net/05fs/index.php/Wisis2005/StartPage http://docs.indymedia.org/view/Global/WSISII If you want to help us, sign up to : tunis at lists.riseup. […].
No more room for Ben Ali (Image)
Ask not “why the world hates us”, ask why your government hates the rest of the world.