OpenGovTN meeting exposes the need for pragmatic action to ensure transparency

Following a mostly online presence, a few members and supporters of the Tunisian OpenGov initiative gathered last night, March 10, 2012, at Nawaat’s Hackerspace – a community meeting space created by Nawaat to facilitate the exchange of ideas and resources – a perfect space for OpenGovTN to meet. OpenGovTN, an initiative that was launched some months ago, aims to institutionalize the concepts of open governance, open data, and transparency in a new Tunisia on all governmental fronts […]

Tunisia : Hilary Clinton in Tunis, again…

“Youth rising, aspirations and expectations”, is the name of the conference held on February 25, 2012, by Hilary Clinton, the secretary of United States in “Ezzahra Castle” in Sid Bousaid. Her visit to Tunisia is the second one in a less than a year. After a long boring checking out for security reason, we ended up in a small and crowded room waiting for Lady Clinton who came late.

The IMF Endorses The Arab Spring With Further Economic Assistance to Tunisia

IMF managing director, Christine Lagarde, met with Tunisian businessmen and journalists on her second day of her first visit to the Middle East, in Tunisia. Lagarde, stressed during the press conference that she held the importance of the security situation to help maintain a stable economy in the country. “Security and stability are determining factors to boost investments,” she said.

Tunisia arrests young rapper after online protest song

Anis Mrabti, (aka Volcanis le Roi), a 27 year old Tunisian Rapper has been arrested on Wednesday january 25, 2012 around 2 pm at his home in El Mourouj neighborhood in Tunis. According to his parents, 6 allegedly plain-clothes police officers broke into the house without showing their police badges or any warrant and asked the young Anis, who was at that time behind his computer, if he was the rapper behind the song “Shay Ma Tbaddel” (Nothing has Changed). When he confirmed, they took him and confiscated his computer and MP3 players without giving any further details to Anis’ parents who were choked by this brutal arrest.

videos: Roadmap of Political Reforms in Tunisia

For a month and a half since the famous popular uprisings that led to the Arab World’s first democratic revolution, Tunisia had been struggling to identify and implement the necessary structural and ideological changes that are essential for the budding democratic system. Tunisians all over the country had been patiently waiting to see what the interim government and the opposition leaders would bring to the table, and for a month and a half they got little more than flowery rhetoric praising the revolution and those who gave their lives for a democratic Tunisia.