Counter Summit (suite)

Nawaat invite tous ceux qui seront intéressés par le prochain Sommet Mondial de la Société d’Information (SMSI) à rejoindre la liste pour partager l’information, débattre et préparer l’organisation d’Un Contre Sommet qui a fait l’objet d’un Appel (Lire ici) mis en ligne sur notre site. Afin de continuer ce débat nous […].

Counter Summit

Some people within indymedia have started organizing for the World Summit on Information Society 2005, which will take place in Tunis. Below you find the first call. For more information check If you want to help us, sign up to : tunis at lists.riseup. […].

The forgotten dictatorship: Tunisia

The re-election on October 24 of Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, with the Ceausescu-like score of 94.49%, was scarcely noticed in the Stateside news media. Even the New York Times only posted a brief dispatch from AP on its website. The re-election on October 24 of Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, with the Ceausescu-like score of 9 […].

Tunisia’s elections : The long road to democracy

By Daniel Zisenwine Published by TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY The Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies & The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies through the generosity of Sari and Israel Roizman, Philadelphia. No. 113 | October 26, 2004. Tunisia’s October 24 presidential and parliamentary elections brought few surprises. As expected, Presid […].