Is the ‘Martyrs of the Revolution Affair’ that has inundated Tunisian media over the past week symbolic of an already-failing post-revolutionary justice system? Or does it instead reflect the reappearance of the same sort of political corruption that thrived under old regime? Either way, the gaping division between a recent decision announced by Tunisia’s military tribunal and public opinion has Tunisians up in arms or at least on edge about the political, legal, and moral integrity of the State.
Weekly Political Review – Twisted and Tangled in the Hands of Politicians: National Holidays and Economic Recovery in Tunisia
Whereas abroad, «it is whispered in the halls of Washington that Mehdi Jomâa’s profile pleased [Americans] because it is that of a ‘pragmatic businessman,’» his discourse addressed to Tunisians pertaining to the country’s delicate economic situation has «stirred gossip and accusations of exaggeration and conspiracy theories.»
Jomâa and Barack Open the Strategic Dialogue – American Media on the Tunisia-US Partnership
Perusing the articles available in American media on Prime Minister Mehdi Jomaa’s visit to Washington, one is faced with the gradation of quality and specificity and attention to detail that exists among different news sources…one is reminded that The Washington Post is a reliable outlet for fluffy pieces about the US’ benevolent role in the so called developing world, for sweeping generalizations about terrorism, the Arab Spring, democracy, etc. Unsurprisingly, most US news sources follow in this line of reporting.
American Embassy Tunis on Facebook: an online space for American soft power?
After perusing the American Embassy Tunis Facebook page, the page welcome statement seems either a laughable euphemism or an endearing show of naïveté. The description is accurate to the extent that the the page accomplishes what it promises and what one would expect from an embassy Facebook page, for it serves as a cultural counterpart to the official Embassy of the United States Tunis website’s services and procedural information and news updates.
We Are Happy From Tunisia – Celebrating Diversity and Solidarity In Spite of Political and Economic Insecurities
What each country, each city, each community has to offer in this movement is an independently-crafted testament to one’s existence in the contemporary world during a period in history marked by widespread political instability, economic crisis, and desperation for change.
The Times of India highlights «Indian connection» to Tunisia’s progressive constitution
On February 9, 2014, The Times of India published a rather fascinating article. «Kolkata-born Riddhi Dasgupta, the 28-year-old chief draftsperson of British think-tank The Wilberforce Society, was a driving force in advising in the crafting of [Tunisia]’s new constitution.»
« La Tunisie, 1er pays à constitutionnaliser la protection de l’usage de l’Internet »
C’est fait ! La Tunisie est le premier pays au monde à protéger au sein de sa Constitution la capacité des citoyens à exercer leurs libertés fondamentales –également– via l’Internet.
Scandale Prism : Internautes transparents, gouvernement opaque
Quelle sera la prochaine destination d’Edward Snowden ? Après s’être réfugié pendant près d’un mois à Hongkong, l’ex-collaborateur de la CIA et de l’agence de sécurité américaine NSA (National Security Agency), qui a permis de dévoiler l’affaire Prism et l’immense programme de surveillance électronique mis en place par les États-Unis, s’est envolé dimanche 23 juin pour Moscou
Freedom Online Coalition: A Call To Governments From Civil Society
This is a call to governments from civil society. this call was presented during the closing ceremony of the Freedom Online Conference that took place in Tunis between June 17-18, 2013. This call captures the “Sense of the room” at the Justice Tent that was organized at Nawaat on june 17th, 2013.
جوجل، فايسبوك و سكايب تتعاون مع وكالة الأمن القومي الأمريكية من أجل التجسس على مستخدمي الأنترنت
حسب تسريب جديد قامت به صحيفة الواشنطن بوست، تقوم وكالة الأمن القومي الأمريكية و مكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالي بالتنصت مباشرة على الحواسيب المركزية لتسع شركات عملاقة في الإنترنت مستعينة ببرنامج سري للغاية يمكنها من استخلاص و استخراج و تحليل ملفات صوتية و فيديو، و الصور، و مراسلات البريد الإلكتروني و وثائق و سجلات الإتصال التي تمكن المحللين من تتبع حركات أي شخص و تعقب اتصالاته.
RSF publie un rapport spécial sur les “Ennemis d’Internet”
A l’occasion du 12 Mars, Journée mondiale contre la cyber-censure, Reporters sans frontières publie un Rapport spécial sur la surveillance, disponible sur
USIP Report: Twitter more megaphone than rallying cry
Up until now, the debate surrounding the role of Twitter and so-called Web 2.0 has remained somewhat polarised. This report then aims to provide an empirical analysis of the available data in order to move away from the binary arguments presented by those who have come to be known as “cyberoptimists” and “cyberskeptics”.
Nouveau rapport de l’USIP: Twitter a plus servi de porte voix que de cri de ralliement
Jusqu’à présent, le débat autour du rôle de Twitter et le soi-disant ‘Web 2.0’ est resté quelque peu polarisé. Le but de ce rapport est ainsi de faire une analyse empirique des données disponibles, afin de s’écarter de l’argumentation binaire…
Global Voices Citizen Media Summit: Day 1
On July, 2 more than 300 bloggers, netizens, and academics flocked to Westlands in Nairobi, Kenya to take part at the 2012 Global Voices Citizen Media Summit. After welcoming guests, Ethan Zuckerman, co-founder of Global Voices Online gave some historical background, and talke about the first Global Voices Summit.
“الأنترنات، الثورة و الانتقال الديمقراطي” في يوم إحياء ذكرى “محمد الزين”
نظم مختبر القانون و العلاقات الدولية للأسواق و المفاوضات، يوم الجمعة 13 أفريل، بالتعاون مع الجمعية التونسية لقانون التنمية و وحدة البحث: الدولة، المجتمع و الثقافة، ندوته السنوية التي تخصص لإحياء ذكرى رجل القانون و الأستاذ الجامعي “محمد الزين”.
More than ever Internet access needs to be affirmed as a human right
Is free access to internet a human right”? This was the question that I asked to participants at the Democratic Exchange Forum in Malmo, Sweden. All of the interviewees had one and only one answer “Yes”. Internet is knowledge, and knowledge is one of the human rights”, said George Alain from Syria.
1ère Journée Nationale pour la Liberté d’Internet : Photos
Voici quelques photos lors de la journée de commémoration à la mémoire de Zouhaïr Yahyaoui qui fut également la première Journée nationale pour la Liberté d’Internet. La cérémonie s’est déroulée au au palais de Carthage le 13 mars 2012.