Climate justice in Tunisia

In Tunisia, climate justice is an emerging issue that intersects with environmental activism, social justice, and sustainable development. Civil society organizations and activists have been playing a crucial role in addressing environmental challenges such as pollution, deforestation, water scarcity, and biodiversity collapse. These groups work towards holding both the government and private entities accountable for their environmental impact and advocating for policies that prioritize the well-being of communities and ecosystems. The concept of climate justice in Tunisia also involves addressing social inequalities, promoting renewable energy sources, and ensuring that marginalized communities are not disproportionately affected by climate change. By advocating for sustainable practices, environmental protection, and equitable policies, Tunisia is moving towards a more just and sustainable future in the face of climate challenges.

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Renewable energy in Tunisia: fossilized intentions

Located in the south of Tataouine, the Nawara oil field was inaugurated by former prime minister Youssef Chahed on February 5. According to Chahed, the field was alloted a 3.5 billion dinar budget and promises a production of 2.7 million m3 of gas, 7,000 barrels of petroleum and 3,200 barrels of liquefied petroleum gas per day. This is enough to reduce Tunisia’s energy deficit, an estimated 435.5 million dinars, or 44.9% of the 20% commercial deficit. And yet this project that Chahed described as « historic » flies in the face of the country’s international commitments.

Gafsa uprising & transitional justice: trials must not stop at being symbolic

Wednesday 26 September was a momentous day at the court of First Instance of Gafsa. Emotions ran high as the activists and leaders of the uprising of the Gafsa Mining Basin of 2008 walked into the same court room in which they were beaten up, unfairly tried and sentenced less than 10 years ago. Only this time, they walked in through the main door as victims waiting to see the perpetrators prosecuted- not defendants accused of plotting against the state. Their only crime in 2008? Daring to peacefully protest what they considered to be unfair employment practices, nepotism and lack of transparency by the state-owned Phosphate Company of Gafsa, the region’s main – if not sole – employer.

Plus que 24h pour s’opposer au projet de développement du champ pétrolifère au golfe d’Hammamet

Un avis concernant la concession pétrolifère Halk el Menzel a été affiché sur le mur de la municipalité de Bouficha (20 Km au sud de Hammamet). Il signale aux « ayant droit » une période d’un mois pour présenter leurs objections potentielles au développement de la concession. Mais le cadre et les conditions pour le faire restent flous, dans un contexte où l’accès à l’information sur les hydrocarbures est sous contrôle.

Tunisia 2020 : la jeunesse conteste l’austérité et la corruption

À quelques mètres du palais des congrès où se déroule la conférence internationale sur l’investissement Tunisia 2020, la police a réprimé, cet après midi du mercredi 30 novembre 2016, un rassemblement du mouvement Manich Msamah, devant le ministère du Tourisme. Six manifestants ont été arrêtés puis relâchés. Trois autres ont été admis aux urgences des hôpitaux de Tunis.

De Redeyef à Imider : la justice climatique est une lutte de classes

Les travaux de la COP22 ont pris fin vendredi 18 novembre à Marrakech, sur fond de contestation grandissante du greenwashing de la monarchie marocaine. Alors que le gouvernement tunisien et ses alliés d’une société civile partisane s’alignent avec les multinationales et les Etats pollueurs, d’autres Tunisiens élèvent la voix contre la récupération politique de la lutte climatique. Reportage.

COP22 à Marrakech : le vernis vert, le profit et l’injustice climatique

La 22ème COP se déroule actuellement à Marrakech, jusqu’au 18 novembre. Ce sommet du climat, qui rassemble des cohortes de négociateurs internationaux, de représentants de firmes multinationales, d’ONG, est l’occasion pour le Makhzen marocain de verdir son image, dans un contexte social tendu. Il confirme aussi la mainmise des intérêts privés sur la question du climat, occultant le débat démocratique sur un modèle de développement obsolète et destructeur qui est à l’origine du changement climatique. Et la Tunisie suit la même tendance.

Report: International mobilization against pollution in Gabes

For its stopover in Tunisia, the Ibn Battuta Odyssey of Alternatives, a mobilization across the Mediterranean which culminates at the COP22 in Marrakech, set up camp in Gabes, although the boats had docked in Bizerte. Three days of exchanges and debates concerning an environmentally- and socially-destructive economic model and potential alternatives drew attention to the deplorable environmental situation in Gabes, and were marked by heightened tension following the death of a STEG worker who was asphyxiated by the fumes of the industrial zone. Report.

Que signifie de se battre pour la Justice climatique au Maghreb ?

Je vais aborder trois thèmes dans cet article. Je donnerai pour commencer une idée des crises écologiques et climatiques que vit la région du Maghreb pour ensuite montrer comment elle a adopté la néolibéralisation de la gouvernance environnementale. Je finirai par une critique de certains concepts de “justice” utilisés pour parler des injustices existantes dans la façon de faire face aux dégradations environnementales et au réchauffement climatique global de nature anthropique.

Tunisia: The dispute over the economic reconciliation bill

Among the dilemmas Tunisia has been suffering is financial corruption which destroyed economy, burdened the people, widened the gap -under dictatorship- between the Haves and the Have-nots and accelerated the revolt against the mafia and the symbols of corruption in the country. The slogans of the revolution included promoting equitable development, establishing justice to the oppressed and putting the thieves on trial. Five years have passed since the dictator –Zine Al-Abidine Ben Ali- fled the country(January 14, 2011), yet the politicians’s viewpoints concerning the corruption dossier are still split: a sharp debate over the economic reconciliation bill, submitted by the President Beji Caied Essebsi (March 20, 2015) and consented by the Council of Ministers (July 14, 2015), took place.

Unique, but not exceptional: transitional justice in Tunisia

Tunisia’s decision to undertake its own transitional justice process, largely encouraged and supported by the international community, was formalized nearly two years after the departure of long-time president Zine El-Abedine Ben Ali. How the country’s path to reconciliation will be measured in a global context and how its work will impact Tunisians remains very much uncertain. In the meantime, the growing library of precedent cases offers lessons and examples for Tunisia’s truth-seeking body as it works to carry out its mission in the face of political, structural, and strategic challenges.

Tunisia: Opening prisons to the world

As the technology becomes more and more accessible, the more of these kinds of sites will inevitably spring up, pulling together maps, case histories, background research documents, advocacy tools, and, yes, videos, and the simpler it becomes to try to shine a light… I’d be interested to learn of similar initiatives from around the world, so get in touch i […].