Rights 224

Tunisia’s bloggers defy state censors

Foreign tourists know Tunisia for its sunny beaches, ancient ruins and one of the Arab world’s most liberal societies. But for Tunisians, life is a daily tiptoe through a minefield of political taboos enforced by a vast security apparatus and heavily censored media. Now the country’s drive to embrace the internet is giving Tunisians an unexected new outlet to challenge authority.

North Africa: are political websites more likely to get hacked?

Political opposition websites in North African countries, particularly in Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania, are becoming a primary target of hackers. This new phenomenon of defacing opposition and dissident websites emerged first in Tunisia, where at least 14 websites and blogs were targeted between 2007 and 2008, and seems to be spreading across the region as a result of the attempt to muzzle free […]

You, too, can defeat cruel dictators online

The extensive palace complex of Tunisia’s septuagenarian dictator, President Zine el-Abidine ben Ali, for example, is off limits to his citizens. Anyone caught taking photographs of the vast complex are likely to be arrested. But cyberspace is beyond President ben Ali’s reach. There his palace is besieged by human rights activists.

History Is Not the Past

Submitted by Suffet De Carthage : That history is not a thing of the past is a general truth, of which I simply want to remind the reader. History is not the tale of bygone days, but the present we dwell in.11 It is part and parcel of a nation; it constitutes its memory, its consciousness, its ambitions. It is what is everlasting in its geography and demography. It is the mirror of the nation’s […]

Borhane Bsaies ou L’avocat du diable

Ecrit et publié sur Nawaat par Hannibal LeCarthaginois : Les critiques de Bsaies ne visent que défendre Ben Ali. S’imposant comme l’avocat du diable cet ex militant étudiant converti en mercenaire dévoile, ou plutôt prétend dévoiler, « l’autre dimension » de la délégation. N’ayant point d’argument pour défendre son président, il préfère contre-attaquer et soustraire toute légitimité […]

موجة جديدة من المحاكمات والملاحقات والمضايقات في تونس

يتداخل في المشهد التونسي في الآونة الأخيرة تدخل أجهزة الأمن بكل تفاصيل الحياة اليومية للناس. فبعد أن حاولت السلطة السياسية تقسيم الطبقة السياسية التونسية بين مؤيد مستفيد ومعارض مضطهد، وتمزيق أوصال الأشكال المستقلة للمقاومة المدنية، ها هي اليوم تتعامل مع المجتمع التونسي كمجموعة بشرية غير مطمئنة.