World 62

Tunisia : Hilary Clinton in Tunis, again…

“Youth rising, aspirations and expectations”, is the name of the conference held on February 25, 2012, by Hilary Clinton, the secretary of United States in “Ezzahra Castle” in Sid Bousaid. Her visit to Tunisia is the second one in a less than a year. After a long boring checking out for security reason, we ended up in a small and crowded room waiting for Lady Clinton who came late.

The IMF Endorses The Arab Spring With Further Economic Assistance to Tunisia

IMF managing director, Christine Lagarde, met with Tunisian businessmen and journalists on her second day of her first visit to the Middle East, in Tunisia. Lagarde, stressed during the press conference that she held the importance of the security situation to help maintain a stable economy in the country. “Security and stability are determining factors to boost investments,” she said.

Web Journalism

Peut-on qualifier aujourd’hui la Cyberdissidence et le journalisme indépendant sur internet comme le 5me pouvoir? Face au journalisme à la solde des régimes au pouvoir, nombre de journalistes ont failli à leur mission, et ceux qui y croient toujours sont empêchés par des lois liberticides ou le choix des rédacteurs en chefs. La main-mise du pouvoir et des lobbyistes qui sont à la tête de groupes de presse pose problème.